Base +14, TheOldDeus +7, potetotippu -8
Base +16, trick_NM +24, VladIX -6, okashira2525 +6, potetotippu +8, kot8888 +3, misutoro +6, yurineaki +8
Posted on 03 July 2020, 16:08 by:
greengem Score
Base +6, aukxn -20, Draizer -16, Harsh +7, chaosmourn +6, ThiccBrownAss -6, rainonfriday +7, VladIX +6, k1bell -7, Exodust -6, FurnaceMan -6, shiranai +7, KozuKy -6, and 30 more...
Base +6, Harsh +7, rainonfriday +7, Dark Mac -12, Shinxix +8, TheOldDeus +7, Fofotron +19
Posted on 03 July 2020, 16:31 by:
Queen OF Score
Base +6, Harsh -7, aukxn +20, shiranai -7, rainonfriday -7, ag-zcb -6, Peleus -6, sleazeball +1, VladIX -6, KTcent -6, SCSS +19, Astarine -6, oidfvoae +5, and 39 more...
Base +4, batarael -4, Draizer -16, Riastard +6, Harsh +7, aukxn -20, Berkut v3 +7, shiranai +7, chaosmourn +6, rainonfriday +7, Capi duffman -15, VladIX +6, Exodust -6, and 45 more...
Base +6, Vodkus God of Booze -6, atomicpuppy -30, 921770760 -30, Rouge・ -30, Exodust -6
Base +5, Capi duffman +15, Zerk Mahara +6, dirtyhairry +21, JuiceGod -6, Mandraken +6, Morgoth666 +8, TheOldDeus +7, nurd +6, いちゃ +15, Romi the Byzantine -7, disposable.respect +6, lekka +8, and 14 more...
Base +4, RedXVII -8, Mandraken -6, Orion9137 -11, okb993565 -2, TheOldDeus -7, aukxn -20, nurd -6, SCSS -19, nanaya666 -6, Bane13 -30
Base +2, dslak554653 +5, lbem +6, ftvietal -1
Posted on 03 July 2020, 17:38 by:
tryiou Score
Base +7, chaosmourn -6, rainonfriday -7, Peleus -6, plumekng -6, anonymous_66666 -6, WhyIAmHere +6, a490029295 -6, zxc670824844 +6, okb993565 -2, hyz082 +5, y3302 -6, TASUKO -6, and 15 more...
Posted on 03 July 2020, 18:27 by:
TAES Score
Base +4, cocoachino -3, ftvietal -1
Base +6, dirtyhairry +21, TheOldDeus +7
Base +5, JuiceGod -6, Mandraken +6, Shinxix +8, TheOldDeus +7, nurd +6, rasenshido -10, Romi the Byzantine -7, SCSS +19, disposable.respect -6, nanaya666 +6, YuzuJuice +11
Posted on 04 July 2020, 00:28 by:
Tsu-san Score
Base +6, TheOldDeus +7, lekka +8
Posted on 04 July 2020, 02:14 by:
king0x Score
Base +6, wenshilong -6, Peleus -6, okb993565 -2, FateTestarossa708 -6, cbx0916 -6, wangtluffy -6, y3302 -6, TASUKO -6, dslak554653 +5, woshirn -5, yinjueshi -6, 灯笼易灭 -6, and 8 more...
Base +6, potetotippu -8, dslak554653 +5, yinjueshi -6, dancingmoon +6, ftvietal -1
Posted on 04 July 2020, 05:57 by:
juanomon Score
Base +6, rasenshido +10, NeoNilox +4, Romi the Byzantine +7, letoplel -19, Bane13 +54, zackfrostxx -6, YuzuJuice -11
Posted on 04 July 2020, 15:11 by:
bachiko Score
Base +6, rasenshido +10, gravexxi +6, SCSS +19, heartgold +6, Rincematic -6, DorkSeer +6, Draizer +16, Lashow +6, letoplel +19, cultt +6, atomicpuppy -30, 921770760 -30, and 3 more...
Posted on 04 July 2020, 15:27 by:
sjh110 Score
Base +6, potetotippu -8, dslak554653 +5, lbem +6, cocoachino -3, ftvietal -1
Base +4, nurd -6, dragii -6, Romi the Byzantine -7, DorkSeer -6, Lashow -6, cocoachino +3, letoplel -19, Kerfirou -7, Rouge・ -30
Posted on 05 July 2020, 13:05 by:
derdie Score
Base +4, dragii -6, Lashow -6, Yunikon -6, Fofotron -6, letoplel -19, Rouge・ -30
Posted on 06 August 2020, 00:41 by:
hizack123 Score
Base +6, Lashow +6, letoplel +19, nanaya666 +6, cultt +6, YuzuJuice +11