Posted on 03 July 2020, 07:53 by:
and970 Score
Base +6, afsafsfasdf -6, Årstiden1642 +6, chexusai -6, Lucie4 +10
Posted on 03 July 2020, 08:28 by:
cabman11 Score
Last edited on 03 July 2020, 14:12.
Base +6, darkwarlord +8, deadarm -6, BrianTT -6, cl7 -6, snoogenz -6, Almasy +6, EllincedeT -10, Smuthunter +6, Bukowski -6, DevilsView -6, fighterzer98 -7, vomont +8, and 11 more...
Base +8, deadarm -6, BrianTT -6, valkyrur7 -5, Almasy -6, Smuthunter +6, Bukowski -6, cl7 -6, fighterzer98 -7, vomont +8, ssj4jw -7, Capi duffman -15, covoc +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 July 2020, 09:15 by:
ryuzakil Score
Base +8, GeniusDuck +6, darkwarlord -8, AkaiKurai +7, deadarm +6, BrianTT +6, valkyrur7 +5, gguy123 +10, EllincedeT +10, Bukowski +6, fighterzer98 +7, vomont -8, PinguPrin +7, and 19 more...
Posted on 03 July 2020, 09:46 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, darkwarlord -8, AkaiKurai +7, deadarm +6, BrianTT +6, valkyrur7 +5, cl7 +6, Snouder +7, EllincedeT +10, Shellstrom +10, Bukowski +6, fighterzer98 +7, vomont -8, and 16 more...
Posted on 03 July 2020, 15:59 by:
Quflow Score
Base +7
Base +8, fighterzer98 +7, Deftera -6, afsafsfasdf -6, Zantos -7, BigDaddy21 -7, _AUO_ -5, pedromartinezx -6, Bwaly +6
Base +7, fighterzer98 -7, pesmerga1983 +11, vomont +8, ss567 +6, Capi duffman +15, lastperv +6, Xalren525 +6, GhostStalker +8, Zantos +7, Colonia +6, DarkTemplarXIII +6, Ficfactor +18, and 4 more...
Base +6, Omnicent -6, fighterzer98 -7, Deftera -6, vomont -8, ss567 -6, Capi duffman -15, Glaucusx +2, chexusai -6, Zantos -7, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Base +13, cl7 -6, vomont +8, ss567 -6, Capi duffman -15, covoc +6, barkingdead +6, wilder03 -6, chexusai -6, Colonia -6, durasteel +7, DarkTemplarXIII +6, MelmothTheWanderer +34
Posted on 04 July 2020, 07:42 by:
fallengt Score
Base +6, cl7 +6, Anime Janai +16, TheUnforeseen +5, barkingdead +6, EchoCrest +6, DarkTemplarXIII +6, observer1980 +21, IM_Mortal +7
Base +13, barkingdead +6, cl7 +6, vomont +8, EchoCrest +6
Base +6, skydrar -6, fula_flight +7, barkingdead -6, cl7 -6, vomont +8, EchoCrest -6, durasteel +7, MelmothTheWanderer +34, justinx931 -11
Posted on 05 July 2020, 07:43 by:
akunoko Score
Base +29, skydrar +6, barkingdead +6, cl7 +6, Zantos -7, Colonia -6, vomont -8, EchoCrest +6, durasteel -7, justinx931 +11, MelmothTheWanderer -30
Posted on 05 July 2020, 09:36 by:
Noni Score
Base +43, fula_flight +7, lastperv +6, Botos +7, barkingdead +6, Xalren525 +6, Zantos +7, Ficfactor +18, observer1980 +21, vomont +8
Posted on 06 July 2020, 07:44 by:
AhKai Score
Base +6
Base +26, Zantos -7, Colonia -6, BigDaddy21 -7, darkfjo -7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, vomont -8, AtotehZ -11
Base +5, Zantos +7, EchoCrest +6, DarkTemplarXIII +6, Ficfactor +18
Base +6, ElTurk +6, Ficfactor +18