Base +6, TheVizard00 +4, White Joker +25, void-stealer +6, moonsammy +6, NeBuR1997 +6, StratoSquir +6, nbee +9, Soldier A +6, Totally Legit +8, Kekrom +6, Th3 Sl0th +6, hizack123 +6, and 38 more...
Base +7, AhKai +6, LeisureLarry +6, Syerathe +13, fsadz -6, Whitu Piggu +7, budgieboi +6, Gabaw +6, popcap991 +6
Posted on 15 July 2020, 22:19 by:
Foruolo Score
Base +2, qrsWtuv +9, budgieboi +6, indp +6, Blue Mage -6, musoukaXIV +10, Argondr +6, fsadz -6, Whitu Piggu +7, isno +6, Shades of Blue +7, rockarolla +6, Muropakkaus +6, and 8 more...
Base +10, Hitsuyou-H +31, kachua88 +6, AhKai +6, LeisureLarry +6, sleazeball +1, fsadz -6, Whitu Piggu +7, budgieboi +6, IncognitoMaud +6, Shades of Blue +7, CritiicalMass -6, Hyoros -14, and 7 more...
Posted on 16 July 2020, 02:12 by:
sdpfsj Score
Base +11, The Inker -8, fsadz -6, budgieboi +6, isno +6, somercet -13
Last edited on 15 September 2020, 18:29.
Base +50, somercet +13, minnazzo +13
Base +6, NaixTheLS +6, fsadz -6, somercet +13
Base +6, Syerathe +13, notfunnyguy +5, yeeteroli +4, fsadz -6, m0ch4 +6, somercet +13, minnazzo +13
Base +6, __55__11 +4, somercet +13, silentmist +6, minnazzo +13
Posted on 21 July 2020, 10:45 by:
hbm Score
Base +6, CritiicalMass +6, Hyoros +14, rockarolla +6, popcap991 +6, SOSOSOPHIE +6, __55__11 +4, Brian Alvarez +12, somercet +13, minnazzo +13
Base +6, Hyoros +14, popcap991 +6, somercet +13
Base +6, Galuxi +6, __55__11 +4, silentmist +6
Posted on 01 September 2020, 21:19 by:
sumasumas Score
Base +6, somercet +13