I need people to figure things for me. So this https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=114053 is the original page, as you can see there is no (1) in the cover. Suruga have 2 of this https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHORE130719 29 dec https://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/ZHORE130879 30 dec with a (1) in the cover and most likely typo in circle/artist tag. What bother me is what if these 2 are different inside? I hope to figure this before December so at least I can upload the first one (there are 4 more of these)
pixiv link (if anyone can read moon )https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/47622976