Base +6, Qwertius +4, Kaypa22 +7, WhoBeMe +7, Deiser +6, Chronologist +6, nameyguy +3, Bravely -6, kikimaru024 +20, Serena Lea +5, Tormentagedon +9, 1qazqaz +7, MyOpinionIsRight +5, and 6 more...
Base +12, ZoopZip +6, msrat +7, S@LT33 +6, Manonymous Rex +4, Jason_6787 +6, nsed +6, Ouroboros186 +6, kikimaru024 -20, theusername1 +6, Vuanaunt +6, Qwertius +4, Kuro-tan +11, and 34 more...
Base +7, nameyguy +3, kikimaru024 +20, ThirdEye +6, Qwertius +4, WhoBeMe +7, Serena Lea +5, The Chronicler +7, 1qazqaz +7, MyOpinionIsRight -5, somercet +12, BooPooDoop +5
Posted on 03 January 2020, 07:15 by:
ryujin99 Score
Base +15, ThirdEye +6, Serena Lea +5, ZeldaGuy21 +6, 1qazqaz +7, WhoBeMe +7, somercet +12
Posted on 08 January 2020, 21:02 by:
DinoCock Score
Base +7, Chronologist -6, kikimaru024 -20, Larkman -7, wassapmang -6, failbags -6, crazyfrogdom -6, arcesp -6, kingus -5, Patch_ -6, badabimmbadabumm -5, msrat +7, nallepuh +7, and 11 more...
Posted on 08 January 2020, 21:11 by:
HeavyKuma Score
Base +4, theusername1 +6, ThirdEye +6, Serena Lea +5, Tormentagedon +9, 1qazqaz +7, Degenerate-Trash +3, Kitawa -7, somercet +12
Last edited on 09 January 2020, 12:23.
Base +12, Kuro-tan +11, Serena Lea +5, 20Ilya +30, 1qazqaz +7, playerriay +6, WhoBeMe +7, Marisa Kirisame +8, somercet +9, Ildzmer +7, ThirdEye +6, Raj8 +8, Scion Echo +6
Posted on 10 January 2020, 04:49 by:
mukamasa Score
Base +6, deankong -5, Astargo +6, nyuu079 -7, playerriay +6, Chronologist -6, Bravely +6, everlicha +6, rickstrongo +6, Ugly Ameoba +6, Ouroboros186 +6, Zoinks +6, Ildzmer +7
Last edited on 16 January 2020, 13:51.
Base +15, Ildzmer +7, ThirdEye +6
Posted on 06 February 2020, 08:17 by:
AZ-Lefty Score
Base +5, Zoinks +6, Ildzmer +7, gnawspit +6
Base +6, churnip +6, Yatamomo +6, ThirdEye +6
Posted on 08 July 2020, 19:28 by:
LordGr4 Score
Base +15, ThirdEye +6
Posted on 29 July 2020, 16:28 by:
RigenZ Score
Base +6
Last edited on 01 August 2020, 04:48.
Base +12, ThirdEye +6