Posted on 31 July 2020, 16:02 by:
Tnecniw Score
Base +7, Tangoshake +11, hehateskuyashi +6, somerandomdude33 +7, MedriphonNaruga +12, Alexstrin Gronian +7, VulpineWolf +6, HellfireJags +6, redwing48 +19, IronHide77777 +6, Thatbigguy -8, itsstillnotverygood +6, ForeverDigimon +6, and 6 more...
Base +7, Alexstrin Gronian +7, VulpineWolf +6, HellfireJags +6, redwing48 +19, IronHide77777 +6, Thatbigguy -8, Bigd +5, Csabawars +5, itsstillnotverygood +6, ForeverDigimon +6, Travesty -8, tenlon -6
Base +6, Thatbigguy -8, Csabawars -5, DragonInfernoZeron -5, PoomasterSOS -6, Decimus66 -6, buddfudder -5, FrederikJones -7, The_Unnamed -7, wolf time -8, blacklordroo -6, itsstillnotverygood +6, Fleets -6, and 9 more...
Base +6, Amberstone15 +6, calvinj +6, AlientKnight +15, Makubeku222 -7, itsstillnotverygood -6, ForeverDigimon +6, wolf time +8, Fleets +6, Travesty +8, Terrorsaurzilla +7, caveman84 +8
Posted on 04 August 2020, 08:08 by:
hoigoigoi Score
Base +24, itsstillnotverygood +6, Terrorsaurzilla +7
Posted on 12 August 2020, 21:51 by:
Kraz226 Score
Base +7, Csabawars +5, itsstillnotverygood -6, wolf time +8, Travesty +8, Terrorsaurzilla +7, dudelito +6