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[Wataginu Tektite (Tsuru)] FERNANDES PIXY SHOP [Digital]

[綿衣テクタイト (鶴)] フェルナンデス ピクシー ショップ [DL版]

Posted:2020-08-01 14:48
File Size:5.56 MiB
Length:21 pages
Favorited:130 times
Average: 3.54

Showing 1 - 21 of 21 images

Posted on 01 August 2020, 14:48 by:   homasynch    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 01 August 2020, 16:28 by:   reix85    PM
Score +10
Posted on 02 August 2020, 01:12 by:   impendio    PM
Score +6
Wonder what the hell is going on with this one...
Posted on 02 August 2020, 03:19 by:   zdzdvvvv    PM
Score +6
Posted on 02 August 2020, 06:51 by:   homasynch    PM
Score +73
> impendio

Daughter: There's the Yard Bridge!
Daughter: Oops, oops, oops, oops!
Daughter: The bridge is gone, the bridge is gone, now what do we do?
Father: Hey, you!
Dad: You need to be quiet. You're in a business.
Daughter: ...Yes, Daddy.
Daughter: Daddy, I want this one!
Dad: Which one, gosh.
Dad: You're doing this to me...(dun)
Dad: Why can't you just get the cheapest one over here? (Hyoi.)
She's not pretty, so...
Dad: Really? My dad couldn't tell the difference.
Fernandes: What's bothering you, sir?
Dad: Oh, yeah, hey.
Fernandes: For your daughter?
Dad: Yes.
Daughter: You promised me, Dad!
Fernandes: With all due respect, what's the use?
(Daughter: big.)
Dad: Purpose?
Dad: No, I... thought it was for my daughter.
Fernandes: (I see) Hmmm
Fernandes: I owe you one.
(Daughter: yes.)
Fernandes: ...this one, your daughter's favorite, is a Strat, not only a good friend to young children, but also a practitioner of magic.
Father: Magic!
Fernandes: It's a simple one, though
Fernandes: But it's not much more than a simple task to get someone to help with the cooking and laundry.
Fernandes: It''ll help your wife, too.
Fernandes: You, on the other hand, your prices are going down, but you're not very good at magic...
Fernandes: Purely as a pet, or, uh...
Fernandes: Most are bought by experts for research purposes.
Dad: Yeah...

--Stocking and "ear-scratching”--
Fairies are found in the woods and near water, especially near springs.
Especially in the clear morning air, you can see the flock whispering to each other.
We'll get this.
Fairy magic is powerful, and if it's used, it can be deadly.
That's where the holly leaves come in.
Fairies swoon at the aggressive shape of holly leaves

I'll go back to the workshop and pin it up.
listen attentively
Fairy ears hear the voice of the fairy king, ubiquitous in nature.
I can't say that they are obedient creatures to humans in this state.
Once you've crushed both ears, stuff them with cotton
and shake up a spell.
Now they can only hear people.

Fernandes: That's why these two are priced differently.
No, no, I didn't know that magic was...
Fernandes: You're often patronized by singles and large groups of people.
Fernandes: I don't have to recommend it if you're short-handed.
Mm-hmm, no...
Dad: You're sure this is what you want to do?
Dad: Well, excuse me.
Fernandes: Thank you.
Girl: Thank you, Daddy!
Dad: Well, you're a businessman, Mr. Craftsman.
Fernandes: Haha... no, thank you.
Fernandes: Yeah, yeah.
Fernandes: I had to ask you one question (gala).
Fernandes: Your daughter is not a fan of injections...?

--The deprivation of mana and comfort.
When you're done with your ears, we'll shave your arms.
(Hiku Hiku)
Fairy arms are too magical to help humans with their work.
The arms are dangerous items and should be hung out to dry the mana before they are discarded.
put a spell on the nerves
Over time, this will become a new arm and function.
If you've had your ears and arms taken care of, I'm going to let him go for a while.
You should give them their favorite sugar (preferably the white one) often.
(shal shal)
Fairies are creatures that often forget the pain they have suffered.

Fernandes: Yeah.
Fernandes: There you go.
Fernandes: I'm proud of you.
Fernandes: Well, I'll be back in a couple of minutes
Fernandes: Please take a seat and wait for me.
Fernandes: Excuse me.

Fernandes: See?
The final touches are done just before it goes to the customer.
Fernandes: Sweet blood.
Fernandes: Keep your head down.
Fairies don't have sex, and they have intercourse with flowers, flowing fresh water, and children's songs to create children.
So we castrate them with the blood of their would-be masters.
Fernandes: Okay, all done.
This is difficult to do in advance, as it involves identifying the master.
Fernandes: Come on.
Anyway, that's all the business of a fairy shop.

(kya kya)
Dad: Here.
Fernandes: Yes, I'll have just that
Dad: Here, thank the craftsmen.
Daughter: Hey, what's that pattern?
Father: Hey, you!
Fernandes: Hmmm, yeah.
Fernandes: It's a spell to keep it nice
Daughter: I've been a good girl, too.
Fernandes: I'm surprised you were able to endure the pain. I'm proud of you.
Fernandes: So be kind to the fairy.
Fernandes: You don't have to grip it that hard to get away with it.
Daughter: ...Yeah.
Fernandes: Fairies live, too!
Fernandes: Take good care of it.
Daughter: Yeah!


Those who often forget the pain, but are faithful to the commandments

Translated with (free version)


娘: ヤード橋がおっちったー
娘: おっちったー おっちったー
娘: ヤード橋がおっちったーさーどーしましょー
父: こらお前
父: お店なんだから静かにしなさい
娘: …うんパパ
娘: パパ、私これがいい
父: んーどれ、げ
父: こんなにするのか…(ズン)
父: こっちの安いのじゃダメなのか?(ヒョイ)
娘: 可愛くないからやー
父: そうかー?パパには違いが分からないんだけど
フェルナンデス: お悩みですかお客さん
父: ああ、ええちょっと
フェルナンデス: 娘さんに?
父: はい
娘: 約束したもんねーパパ
フェルナンデス: 失礼ですが用途はどのような?
(娘: おっきい)
父: 用途?
父: いえ…娘にと思いまして
フェルナンデス: (なるほど) ふむ
フェルナンデス: ちょっと借りるね
(娘: はい)
フェルナンデス: …娘さんのお気に召したこちら ストラト種と申しまして 幼子の良き友人としては勿論ですが、加えて魔法の心得もございます
父: 魔法!
フェルナンデス: といっても簡単なものです
フェルナンデス: しかし炊事や洗濯を手伝わせるくらいなら造作も無いことでしょう
フェルナンデス: 奥様のお力にもなりますよ
フェルナンデス: 一方そちら、たしかに値は下がりますが魔法には得手がなく…
フェルナンデス: 純粋に愛玩用としてか、えーもしくは…
フェルナンデス: 一番は専門家に研究用として買われてゆきます
父: へえ…



フェルナンデス: というわけでこの2つは値段が違うんです
父: ははーいや 知りませんでした 魔法とは…
フェルナンデス: 独身の方や大所帯の方々にはよく贔屓にしていただいていますね
フェルナンデス: 人手が足りているようなら無理にお勧めすることもありませんが
父: うむむ いや… うん
父: お前はこれでいいんだね?
娘: うん!!
父: じゃあすみませんがこれを
フェルナンデス: ありがとうございます
娘: ありがとうパパ!
父: いやあ商売人ですね職人さん
フェルナンデス: ははは…いやどうも
フェルナンデス: ああ、そうだ
フェルナンデス: 一つお訊きしなければならなかった(ガラ)
フェルナンデス: 娘さんは 注射はおきらいなほうですか…?

(ヒク ヒク)
(しゃる しゃる)

フェルナンデス: うん
フェルナンデス: ほら終わったよ
フェルナンデス: 偉いね よく我慢できた
フェルナンデス: それでは二、三分で戻りますので
フェルナンデス: そちらに腰掛けてお待ち下さい
フェルナンデス: 失礼いたします

フェルナンデス: ほら(ぱこ)
フェルナンデス: 甘い血だよ
フェルナンデス: そのまま大人しくね
フェルナンデス: はい済んだ わっ(ひらっ)
フェルナンデス: こら

(きゃ きゃ)
父: これで
フェルナンデス: はい、丁度頂きます
父: ほら 職人さんにお礼なさい
娘: ねえこの模様なあに?
父: こらお前
フェルナンデス: んーそうだな
フェルナンデス: その子がいい子でいられるおまじないさ
娘: わたしもいい子にしてたのよ
フェルナンデス: 痛いのも我慢できたものね えらいよ
フェルナンデス: だからその子にも優しくしておあげ
フェルナンデス: そんなに強く握らなくても逃げたりしないよ
娘: …うん
フェルナンデス: 妖精も生きているんだ
フェルナンデス: 大切にしてあげなさい
娘: うんっ!


Last edited on 02 August 2020, 16:30.
Posted on 03 August 2020, 11:32 by:   TheGreyPanther    PM
Score +60
Korean Translation: /g/1698745/7c42b7a050/
Posted on 01 October 2020, 00:22 by:   starburst98    PM
Score +29
So ear surgery makes it so they lose the ability to hear conflicting command from the fairy king. Then arm surgery lowers their magic power so they don't blow someone up. Then they use the knife with blood on it to both neuter them and mark the master so they do not make baby fairy's in your house.

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