Base +6, Lights.021 +6, confusedlife +8, Trahho +7, -=Lord=- +12, chaos-x +6, Nil Gupta +1, bar +9, UnknowDestroyer +7, uruzu +14, abuali +9, whatever1877 +2, Revy28 +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, giovan +8, subbesnubben +6, yuutakenshi +7, YeaLikeThat +6, godischinese +8, George642 +8, buuda +3, Hyoros +6, slimedog +9, Ooe Kintarou +3, as102 +9, oo44wo +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 17 December 2015, 00:19 by:
baxtus Score
Base +12, Ooe Kintarou +3, Forsaekn139 -6, Gerster +6, Divine_Intervention +9, dr-terrible +6, iamclu -6, someguy54321 -6, Afganitia -1, loldongs69 -6, RX620 -6
Base +1, iamclu +6, TheGoodGiggle +4