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Oh Joy Sex Toy

Posted:2020-08-07 07:27
File Size:30.12 MiB
Length:78 pages
Favorited:41 times
Average: 2.19

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Posted on 07 August 2020, 07:27 by:   SkyfallHard    PM
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From the webcomic Oh Joy Sex Toy
Posted on 07 August 2020, 09:38 by:   TheGoodGiggle    PM
Score +20
I'm somewhat surprised nobody scraped and uploaded this before now. I disagree with the ideology of the people making this content. But it is nice that someone has done the scraping, for anybody else that wants this. I'll keep my opinions about the tOtAlLy organic queer supremacy movement, to myself.
Posted on 07 August 2020, 12:08 by:   Kruziikrel    PM
Score -6
Literally GAY AGENDA Posting lmao
Posted on 07 August 2020, 14:39 by:   erosalom    PM
Score +35
Wtf is with you guys? This is a sex ed comic that promotes sex positivity and is only a net gain for learning to enjoy masturbation and sex. Do y'all hate queer people so much that you hate sex, too?
Posted on 07 August 2020, 17:14 by:   RabidTanker    PM
Score -25
No, it's because we know that this one of the more infamous comics.
Posted on 07 August 2020, 19:04 by:   Blackcloud288    PM
Score -34
Can we get this sinister autogynephile shit out of here
Posted on 07 August 2020, 23:13 by:   penislord1    PM
Score +109
Maybe I'll get downvoted for this, and I accept that... but I agree with erosalom. This is just a comic about sex and masturbation tips, whether it promotes "queer supremacy" or not doesn't really matter: the information is frank, presented in a helpful way, and the art is reasonably sexy in some places.

For a site that happily categorizes straight, gay, real, drawn, diaper, vore, furry, airplane and even non-porn, I'm appalled at the idea of being among it's users given that some apparently believe in a "gay agenda" without a spec of sarcasm.

It'd be one thing if every page were the main characters shaming "cis" white males in an awkward attempt at social commentary, but this is literally just sex and masturbation advice. Why all the hate?
Posted on 09 August 2020, 03:30 by:   Bedlam11    PM
Score -12
I guess if you're completely ignorant of the social circles who make and share this type of ludicrously "inclusive" pandering insanity it might be perceived as innocent "sex-positive" education. That is not the case. If you are a straight man who enjoys masturbating to attractive women these people loathe you and they want to destroy you and everything you love. There is a reason that the presence of attractive women is being demonized across all illustrated fictional media, from video games to comics to cartoons. They are not inclusive and they are not sex-positive when it comes to straight men. That's why all the hate.
Posted on 14 February 2021, 09:29 by:   Can-O-Butts    PM
Score +27
Bedlam, Qanon is not a reliable source of information and pragerU is a youtube channel paid for by two oil barons, the koch brothers. and they funnel the idea of a vicious left in order to convince half of America that there is some simple, absolute, reliable, moral status quo and that if "everyone" maintains it everything will be fine.

The amount of people who want to believe in a good ole traditional life, and believe the state of the world and the psychology of the human brain is cut and dry, and not an incredibly complicated set of subjects faced with genuinely intimidating problems ,was growing pretty rapidly. pragerU tells those people that the intimidating problems are all made up by a faceless evil "them", trying to take away everything you love about America. and that PC culture is a massive plot to erode your liberty. politically correct was said like once by some random person around the internet, and someone said it on TV, no one really coined it. and then fox news, Ben Shapiro and general headline media spread the phrase around like crazy.
being PC really just boils down to "Try to be more considerate to people"

No one means to be a dick, but people do choose who they respect. People who've been dealing with whether mild or outright mistreatment throughout history due to these beliefs illustrated above held by
TheGoodGiggle, Kruziikrel, Blackcloud288, and of course Bedlam11, kinda just every generation of them eventually decides to stop walking on eggshells around them and defend themselves against what they are saying. because people like bedlam and blackcloud here obviously think very little of gay people, they chose to respect them less, gay people decide to not respect them back which id say is pretty fair all in all.

(sidenote* the internet definitely allows for people to make themselves and their argument look stupid because of specific personal opinions, for you right wingers who will write this off cause you've seen someone on the internet overreact about something left and look stupid)

often People who feel uncomfortable when called racist and the like (who wouldn't its an uncomfortable feeling) and are called racist often enough they are annoyed by it, deny it and refuse to believe they could be racist,etc, being racist is bad, and most people truly believe they're a good person after all. and they are unaware that unknown to themselves they are reshaping and cementing their definition of what it means to act racist, likely boiling down to "not what i'm doing". And people who act like this, sorta just naturally get avoided by people with left opinions IRL throughout their school and later day to day, because they are often pretty vocal about their negative opinions regarding those people. or it becomes evident over time.

Which means most interaction people on the right have with the left is through their online habits and algorithms, and people on the internet do not often give the benefit of the doubt, let alone the patience and time to allow any vulnerability in order to have a conversation discussing these personal issues. (and honestly they don't have to irl either you are responsible for your own behavior.)

PragerU capitalizes on right wingers having the door shut in their face by people on the internet who do not need to politely argue with stuff like the above, by telling them that Conservative traditional Americans are being silenced and oppressed, and if they give any more ground, everything bad that they hear was done to black people, women, gay people, etc is gonna happen to them
Mr Trump reinforced this idea at every point during his campaign and presidency, and he used it to convince a massive amount of conservatives that the world they live in, is rife with hidden plots and immediate threat to the fabric of American society and that if they hear something bad about Donald Trump or the ideas he embodies that it is a lie by "the media"

. (this is a contributing factor to the conception of Qanon and honestly pls read about or at least listen to a podcast about cults. learn about the dangers of redpill conspiracies, things that claim to "change everything about what you know" can be extremely dangerous. Be very careful of what you allow yourself to internalise. like there are definitely issues with how "the media" operates, but thats because the News is a for profit system using an engagement based business model in order to cash in on ad revenue, meaning they have incentive to sensationalise issues which results in extremely muddy water to navigate life in which means people have to be consistently on the ball about what does and doesn't matter, and everyone is bound to make mistakes already.
Often people check out of current events, specifically because the news is trying to constantly keep their attention. how ironic. but i guarantee you, the problem with "the media" is not because its under the control of whatever group you think is behind everything in the media)

and then as of Jan 6th, he had convinced his most loyal believers over the course of 6 years. to attempt a coup.

if you've read this far, i literally beg you to just.. add more perspectives to your world view. You are going to hear bad things about DT, it makes sense, he was strongly disliked before he ran for president and hoo boy what a 6 years. read about cults, and go into it knowing you are supposed to feel bad for the people in the cult not look down on them, but understand they are still responsible for their decisions and beliefs.
Google the definition of sonder, and then when you experience sonder, try to experience sonder for people you may have previously denounced.
google the definition of the scientific method, scientific theory, and scientific law
learn how to analyse sources critically.
this one is incredibly important. If you feel that something is wrong with society and you feel the need to form an opinion as one does, learn where to find and how to read peer reviewed academic articles.
(here's a tip, skim first all the way through, read lightly while highlighting difficult to grasp or interesting concepts, and then go through reading with purpose. this is much faster than struggling i promise)
if you don't understand something, maybe look it up, if its complicated enough you might have to read another academic article to get a general grasp on it.
using peer reviewed articles really helps form useful perspectives that can actually solve problems, because whatever this academic article is, the knowledge its built up on has been painstakingly checked crosschecked to make sure the information is true and has precedent. and eventually the content of that research paper will be improved upon or proven wrong.

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