Honoka shop lifted an expensive sexy bikini, and now she get the consequences. The shop owner chase her and making sure she serve the punishment.
*grgr & dr inspire me to create this work.. not easy, still lacking facial emotion.. still learning & exploring on using this HoneySelect2.. hope you guys enjoy it ^^
Not a major kink once they are dead so will not rate. Love the early Eto snuff works especially some points from the longer ones he showed on occasion not every time. Normally though I consider death an escape and so not into it.
Following are realism features that may or may not crush the mood.
All following can be ignored for fantasy sake. The fact that Vore does not work because victim will not be able to get air is almost always ignored and people enjoy it. Fact that things like snakes will no swallow a large victim until they are dead is normally ignored as well.
Notes. Once dead will void self of piss and shit, you can ignore the shit will have to fan wank on liquid diet depending on what your going for. Body will grey out with no red or color except in high damage areas or were you have trapped blood. Once dead victim will lossen up totally making it not that interesting to fuck such a loose bag unless you wait the time required for body to go rigor mortis then it will be tight but you will have to rip to expand. Lets say you petrify them first. Of course if ones kink is dead bodies some will like all the facts I just stated.
Base +6, TheGoodGiggle +7, Rule63MePlease -7, microdick -6