Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:14 by:
肆虐Monster Score
Base +6,
Lecto Hohenheim +6,
6666hero +4,
NazonohitoX +3,
gaolengzk +3,
qq601517 -6,
Nothatzero +5,
jonesy9000 +6,
Elburt.sun +6,
[email protected] +6,
手机卡住了 +2,
dfwmx +4, and 6 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:14 by:
招架不住 Score
Base +7, npk480 -6, XGDXGD309 +5, youlingguiji -6, evil_yhl +6, HENSHINsaber +1, youmiss +12, トhentai +6, himawari222 +4, dybanang +6, beyonder109 +4, 国士无双药 +6, Hdsbhc +6, and 122 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:17 by:
skyviewer Score
Base +5, God of the world +6, kala123456 +6, dydfgdfg +6, トhentai +6, zhujiqi +6, xiaolvleng +6, beyonder109 +4, lieying123 +5, TIMEKB +6, TTTasia +6, Elburt.sun +6, cyls201 +5, and 69 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:25 by:
mapo Score
Base +8, cf147 +6, 9418wdnmddd +2, Elburt.sun +6, 长江龙 +5, 未来猫 +2, Erictsai +6, Missouri_BB63 +6, gaolengzk +3, HE01942529 +6, gyiuiii +6, liqinghe +6, Mansfield +3, and 6 more...
Base +7, 爱啪啪的诺伦 +6, beyonder109 +4, gundvsam +6, 国士无双药 +6, TIMEKB +6, Elburt.sun +6, cyls201 +5, wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy +6, ilu70224 +6, zyzlijin +6, xigouhao +2, 卢本皇 +2, and 115 more...
Base +12, 爱你的方式 +6, SL-Yu +6, トhentai +6, thirteenluotian +6, xiaolvleng +6, dada66 +5, aura777777 +6, 藤林京 -6, ztzkk -6, hbabu +23, 无妄无望 +4, RinZzzz +3, and 86 more...
Base +6, youlingguiji -6, dorisky +6, Avocadofries +6, zyzlijin +6, nalupi179355 +1, qq601517 +6, RainkKrishima +10, fuck1712938443 +6, ir0032454 +6, DedsecJohn +6, volvolvol4 -3, granisapplepie +1, and 13 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:35 by:
八咫金乌 Score
Base +3, zhujiqi +6, beyonder109 +4, Erictsai +6, gyiuiii +6, crying little dick +6, 梦违性学世纪 +3, sivan1911 +6, 23232dfa +6, hhhhh6428 +6, fuck1712938443 +6, baiyueman +3, necessarius +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:38 by:
704582374 Score
Base +6, lululukkk +6, dydfgdfg +6, deadlz +6, ridersaber1184 +6, riderexaid +6, Elburt.sun +6, wujl +6, luchmi610 +5, fff121 +2, SUNMANAI +2, 6666hero +4, NazonohitoX +3, and 46 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 03:38 by:
gr8sue Score
Base +6, youmiss +12, God of the world +6, dydfgdfg +6, SL-Yu +6, トhentai +6, thirteenluotian +6, -1sss +3, dybanang +6, xiaolvleng +6, nagiy1109 +6, Avocadofries +6, TIMEKB +6, and 131 more...
Base +6, TTTasia +6, wujl +6, luchmi610 +5, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 -6, cantian +4, scarlet yylx +6, mogekotio +4, HE01942529 +6, tim9837 +6, zjh826 +10, ben_18 -6, and 16 more...
Last edited on 16 August 2020, 15:39.
Base +4, God of the world +6, dydfgdfg +6, トhentai +6, thirteenluotian +6, 无妄无望 +4, 美人鱼战士 +4, fqweq2eq +5, 水水水啦 +8, 6666hero +4, NazonohitoX +3, BAKA-Icesoul +8, tkm2345 -7, and 81 more...
Base +5, xiaolvleng +6, ydwanaaa +6, 中二型白泽 -6, 藤林京 +6, ztzkk +6, RinZzzz -3, luchmi610 +5, water221 -9, KOPEKP +6, 7FS6 +5, king520kyo -6, scarlet yylx +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 04:01 by:
KeoghLee Score
Base +6, 源儿啦 +3, Fenrir_gran +5, a honest man +6, s06010 +6, nodor13 +6, Erictsai +6, qq601517 +6, yanyu1999 +6, issabella +6, a9781030 +6, cod233 +2, dark_glory +6, and 40 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 04:13 by:
lomorobin Score
Base +6, haruhiismer +5, Eucko +6, qq601517 +6, James Lu +6, NO11 +6, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, 会飞的牛 +6, orangeorson +3, baiyueman +3, ddit.wt +6, shiliguang +6, Zackba +5
Base +4, zgy123456321 +6, BAKA-Icesoul +8, qq601517 +6, dark_glory +6, maoshallie +5, tttzzz1203021 +1, volvolvol4 -3, 9685924 +6, zzz999 +6, iwashipower +3, 呜呜936425503 +2, mirrorsun +4, and 12 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 04:17 by:
theBADguy Score
Base +6, Avocadofries +6, 星尘_幻羽 +6, Elburt.sun +6, kouw doy +6, mwchenzhenyu +5, kkoylg +6, beastmanx +6, 源儿啦 +3, SUNMANAI +2, ice喵 +1, Erictsai +6, gaolengzk +3, and 81 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 04:26 by:
亚瑟2017 Score
Base +6, xiaolvleng +6, deadlz +6, 帥逼晨星 +6, wujl +6, ice喵 +1, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, scarlet yylx +6, Sakura Darkness +6, ml179 +2, tim9837 +6, pomiezhiyuan +4, and 10 more...
Base +6, xiaolvleng +6, suhaotian +6, ken jen +6, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 -6, HE01942529 +6, gyiuiii +6, DedsecJohn +6, Ricky_ +6, Udry +6, what you say +6, owomowo +6, and 15 more...
Base +4, haruhiismer +5, nujerry +2, Theodicy +6, qq601517 +6, maoshallie +5, sakurakoujiruna1 +6, owomowo +6, iwashipower +3, volvolvol4 +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, jsnz +6, UnhappyRefrain9 +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 04:50 by:
kurumi爱吐槽 Score
Base +6, haruhiismer +5, nujerry +2, 源儿啦 +3, SUNMANAI +2, maoshallie +5, iwashipower +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, ThunderNight +9, Anttreg +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, Stat_headcrabed +4, shiliguang +6
Base +6, cswco2008 +6, qq601517 +6, ldx18646621080 +1, volvolvol4 +3, NO11 +6, orangeorson +4
Posted on 16 August 2020, 05:03 by:
cyxmaybe Score
Base +7, haruhiismer +5, deadlz +6, danbt2333 +6, kalamchoi +4, 帥逼晨星 +6, wujl +6, rwave +4, luchmi610 +5, Deadfish7 +2, zyfly +6, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 05:12 by:
xxsyyk Score
Base +6, Elburt.sun +6, nujerry +2, luchmi610 +5, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, king520kyo +6, dragonfly7sy +6, hey_yo_in +14, HE01942529 +6, maus1000t +6, weasdout +6, hentaibook +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 05:18 by:
zxc87171 Score
Base +6, G.F.maker +6, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, maoshallie +5, DedsecJohn +6, LPYkn +6, volvolvol4 +3, mirrorsun +4, NO11 +6, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, Winston65 +5, ThunderNight +9, and 13 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 05:45 by:
鸗驡巃 Score
Base +6, 5H8SPX +4, jacksonlate +6, yyhwzs +6, qq601517 +6, king520kyo +6, BTDYM +5, maoshallie +5, volvolvol4 -3, kleedy +6, wujl +6, ricardo9962 +4, KFX4H +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 05:47 by:
dahakas Score
Base +6, La-5FN +5, 源儿啦 +3, tkm2345 +7, ice喵 +1, king520kyo +6, HE01942529 +6, maoshallie +5, snmb +6, suhaotian +6, fuck1712938443 +6, volvolvol4 +3, bbaassx +6, and 24 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 06:05 by:
gaoda Score
Base +6, 姨丈父 +4, luchmi610 +5, komonad +6, Turing98520 +6, tkm2345 +7, ice喵 +1, Theodicy +6, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 -6, Toonaive233 +3, CDX_yt +5, UGSeal +6, and 31 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 06:08 by:
ssn21 Score
Base +6, luchmi610 +5, 源儿啦 +3, ice喵 +1, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, 6nocturne9 +6, weizhip +6, Avocadofries +6, Deletewend +6, galimes +6, maoshallie +5, shiluo +6, and 65 more...
Base +6, qq601517 +6, BTDYM +5, 天王寺 +5, maoshallie +5, gyiuiii +6, Nothatzero +5, 啦啦卡卡 -3, volvolvol4 +3, NO11 +6, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, UnhappyRefrain9 +6, youkari525 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 06:18 by:
江ノ島盾子 Score
Base +6, Elburt.sun +6, wujl +6, rwave +4, luchmi610 +5, a honest man +6, deadlz +6, tkm2345 -7, ice喵 +1, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 -6, mogekotio +4, HE01942529 +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 06:23 by:
Faul0 Score
Base +6, wujl +6, waterBe5 +6, luchmi610 +5, deadlz +6, ice喵 +1, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, HE01942529 +6, maus1000t +6, iwashipower +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, alfredkirkland +2, and 3 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 07:02 by:
wkkiop Score
Base +6, qq601517 +6, cantian +4, HE01942529 +6, sex7788 +6, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, 怠惰yazi +1, orangeorson +3, TheKingOfRance +6, The_King_in_Yellow -4, 我铁马石碑 +6
Base +6, SUNMANAI +2, 帥逼晨星 +6, ice喵 +1, gaolengzk +3, HE01942529 +6, suhaotian +6, qqiimmuu +3, 狂気の回旋炮 -6, hachikuji x +1, wujl +6, Neverland2333 +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 08:39 by:
wtwt123 Score
Base +6, 23232dfa +6, gaolengzk +3, qq601517 +6, herhtsds -6, cantian +4, zsscain +6, UGSeal +6, cf147 +6, Avocadofries +6, maus1000t +6, maoshallie +5, weasdout +6, and 22 more...
Base +6, tkm2345 +7, qq601517 +6, herhtsds -6, maoshallie +5, 2000wppp +5, volvolvol4 -3, 23232dfa +6, iwashipower +3, 路會長 +5, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, 怠惰yazi +1, 13753527584lj +1, and 3 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 10:11 by:
Gm010 Score
Base +8, komonad +6, tkm2345 +7, qq601517 +6, herhtsds -6, maoshallie +5, LPYkn +6, iwashipower +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, TYPE-IX +5, orangeorson +3, necessarius +6, salalawuwa +4, and 1 more...
Base +6,
herhtsds +6,
cf147 +6,
maoshallie +5,
weasdout +6,
DedsecJohn +6,
[email protected] +6,
matcha96 +6,
黑色粗框眼镜 +6,
Kasperbiubiubiu +4,
zlxwzzh +6,
orangeorson +3,
baiyueman +3, and 5 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 12:33 by:
霞先生 Score
Base +6,
LPYkn +6,
qq601517 +6,
herhtsds -6,
cantian +4,
xuzejun +6,
Azurite +6,
dragonfly7sy +6,
hhhhh6428 +6,
weasdout +6,
IAmProvidence +6,
ufeim +6,
[email protected] +6, and 25 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 12:35 by:
adhzn Score
Base +6, 杰森海卢斯 +2, LPYkn +6, qq601517 +6, herhtsds +6, cf147 +6, hiddensecret059 +6, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, zlxwzzh +6, orangeorson +3, baiyueman +3, TheKingOfRance +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 13:32 by:
saber俺の嫁 Score
Base +6, herhtsds +6, cantian +4, tzyy_yun +6, HE01942529 +6, cf147 +6, weasdout +6, LPYkn +6, Neverland2333 +3, mirrorsun +4, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, dydfgdfg +6, Kasperbiubiubiu +4, and 9 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 14:50 by:
虚伪的加冕 Score
Base +6, 篝管理 +3, 一只睡猫 +4, KFX4H +5, cf147 +6, maus1000t +6, Putty97525 +6, shiluo +6, weasdout +6, mememeda +7, ace1993 +6, h1531095 -9, ufeim +6, and 54 more...
Posted on 16 August 2020, 15:08 by:
fangcccc Score
Base +6,
cf147 +6,
fqweq2eq +5,
maoshallie +5,
hiddensecret059 +6,
[email protected] +6,
volvolvol4 +3,
kuku852s +6,
tanyan222 +5,
owomowo +6,
黑色粗框眼镜 +6,
diodmbp +4,
dydfgdfg +6, and 9 more...
Base +6, DedsecJohn +6, volvolvol4 +3, 黑色粗框眼镜 +6, 怠惰yazi +1, diodmbp +4, orangeorson +3, 永恒的经幡 -5, The_King_in_Yellow +4, novamxf +6, shiliguang +6, wtfexist +6
Posted on 17 August 2020, 06:13 by:
Sunan666 Score
Base +6, Ricky_ +6, volvolvol4 +3, kuku852s +6, diodmbp +4, dydfgdfg +6, orangeorson +3, hiqigo +11, The_King_in_Yellow +4, Udry +6, Norodreanlin +5
Posted on 20 August 2020, 17:25 by:
nasu Score
Base +36, orangeorson +3, Udry +6, ruttying +2
Posted on 22 September 2020, 18:10 by:
yiranbb Score
Base +6, 我铁马石碑 -6
Posted on 26 October 2020, 16:44 by:
Base +6, The_King_in_Yellow -4, kneewalker973 +6, shiliguang +6, 我铁马石碑 +6, asswasw1230 -6
Base +2, shiliguang +6, 我铁马石碑 +6
Posted on 17 August 2021, 19:42 by:
rts147 Score
Base +6, shiliguang +6
Posted on 18 August 2021, 07:47 by:
粉毛酱 Score
Base +6, 我铁马石碑 -6, dietmarpig +6
Posted on 19 September 2022, 06:59 by:
kiwino Score
Base +13