If you have any suggestions/corrections, from typos to bigger issues, go to the forums and drop me a PM; if we agree with your fix, you'll be given credit in the gallery and a 500c reward.
Update info:
Added more pics of that cosplayer
You are welcome to report errors, and offer suggestion and help in the comments here or on our forums (this translation has a dedicated threat at ).
Translating and editing is rewarded with credits and hath (see the thread or bounties for current translation and editing bounties for DP project).
2) If you want to see galleries translated, you can help out by translating, editing, proofreading and in other ways at our Cove of Translators: https://forums.ehentaihip.cc/index.php?showforum=81 Once you have credits and hath, you can sponsor your own bounties and it works: I've had over 50 dojins and mangas of my choice translated.
6) Compilations are not allowed. That means galleries that contain multiple dojins, mangas, cg sets and such will be expunged and replaced by galleries containing only one release. This included galleries mixing languages. On the other hand, this rule does not affect official releases, such as dojins that are official, circle releases of their previously published works), which are allowed.
7) Correct order is important. If you see a gallery with incorrect order (including front cover not being the very first page), you can upload a correctly ordered replacement. Remember: details do matter! You can learn more about what are the valid reason to replace a gallery at https://forums.ehentaihip.cc/index.php?showtopic=19709
8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp
9) You can turn on many features, including "no ads", and access to more galleries, by acquiring "hath". See the feature list at /hathperks.php , and get your hath from /exchange.php?t=hath
11) Uploading a gallery is easy. First, make sure the files are in order and rename them if needed, in particular, xxx2 needs to be xxx02, or it will sort after xxx19, Second, make sure you have a cover (sometimes it is not included in the download), look for it on DLsite or such. Third, zip all files. Fourth, upload. If you have a pdf file, rip it with web services like https://smallpdf.com/pdf-to-jpg .
We are always recruiting editors and translators for EHCOVE. If you are interested, come by the Cove of Translators in the forums and introduce yourself.