@Sick Angel: It's a shame, he's one of the best artists around. A lot of his art is available uncensored, let's hope this one also becomes available. Sometimes his censorship is mosaic, which is a lot better when the images are in such high resolution that you can barely even notice in fullscreen.
Looks like his Pixiv account has been suspended, maybe the assholes thought he didn't censor enough. Fucking retarded pieces of shits, it pisses me off to no end that Japan allows literal porn of everything your mind can imagine as long as you wreck it with some kind of censorship. As if it's not the idea that needs censoring, only the pussy and then it's fine. Obviously I don't think anything should be censored but how does it make sense to be fine with a dragon fucking an 8 year old in the urethra -- as long as the pussy isn't in view. The censorship has to go away when enough old people in Japan dies, it just has to.