Seventh batch from DLsite’s 2020 Summer Sale. This time let’s go through the rest of the single downloads.
This was the only one from Nathaniel Teitoku on sale. Let's see..."She's a young lady with no breasts but if it's just by Lucky Pervert then it's fine!!" Words of a pervert if I ever heard 'em. And I would be right! But it's her that's the pervert. The guy makes no moves and is not interested. Which means no sex. What a shame. Oh well.
This set comes in two folders: "A:本編通し(衣装等差分なし)" and "B:各シーン(差分まとめ)". First folder's main story. Second folder's the isolated scenes of Part A but with different costumes too. Merging them would be extra work and defeat the point of Part B so...separate gallery it is!
Part B has separate folders for each scene, which scene names to help navigate. But THOSE have covers that point to the pages with differences. I wasn't kidding when I put 'Scene Select' instead of 'All Scenes'. They are as follows, colorfully: 1(雨濡れ透け)=> 1) Wet & See-through in the Rain 2(胸ちら)=> 2) Nipslip 3(クリーム零し)=> 3) Spilled Cream 4(水着ぽろり)=> 4) Swimsuit Malfunction 5(座りぱんつ)=> 5) Panty Flash 6(転びぱんつ)=> 6) Panty Slip 7(お風呂あがり)=> 7) After a Bath 8(着替えばったり)=> 8) While Changing 9(お見送り)=> 9) Seeing You Off
Posted on 11 September 2020, 09:30 by: sakuyasworld