Alright, that's the final part of this story. It's nice to finally be able to enjoy it partly uncensored. Next, I plan on working on one of the other stories from this collection (probably the one that was uncensored in French, unless someone already got to it) so look forward to that.
Update: it looks like most of them have already been done (great work everyone!). I think there's only one left and I might as well wait a bit and see if someone does it. I may go after the decensored one though. We'll see.
Posted on 18 September 2020, 18:01 by: Letmeinjoe09
Thanks for finishing this. >probably the one that was uncensored in French, unless someone already got to it Just wanted to say some people, myself included, are not fond of fan decensors, and this book's censorship is not that bad, it's not mosaics or lightsabers. Sometimes it's better to let it be and use high quality untouched raws. There are some quality fan decensors but they're far too few.