Posted on 20 September 2020, 11:10 by:
Mderms Score
Base +5, blueaoibloo -6, skydrar +6, Beyond Imagination +6, jsojoo12 +6, sleazeball +2, dankestdungeon +19, Kiranta -6, zer0shikiseihai +10, oheye +9, rizkeith -6, anon638382 +6, painly +6, and 3 more...
Base +8, Beyond Imagination +6, jsojoo12 +6, orasmase +8, Teh_Red_Guy +11, sneikkimies +23, blackpillow +8, sleazeball +2, dankestdungeon +19, xyzdragon -8, Kiranta -6, zer0shikiseihai +10, oheye +9, and 3 more...
Posted on 20 September 2020, 14:20 by:
Wolfwod Score
Base +8, Beyond Imagination +6, jsojoo12 +6, orasmase +8, sneikkimies +23, dankestdungeon +19, xyzdragon +8, IonicTHI +7, zer0shikiseihai +10, oheye +9, rizkeith -6, Black-lights +15