And back to full swinging mode (where is the orgy tag when you need it?) with surprisingly Seiji still hanging there after 12 chapters, considering that his fiancée is now completely unleashed.
New glass woman is even easier to please, even give dark hair guy heart eyes when he could not give his "wife" or light hair woman heart eyes but she is kind of the same as dark hair woman in that she didn't gave her guy heart eyes but give heart eyes to other guys who fucks her.
With each chapter is one fuck session So far light hair woman is hardest to please, --s-h-e g-a-v-e n-o h-e-a-r-t e-y-e-s t-o a-n-y g-u-y s-o f-a-r--, mostly glazed eyes, she gave 2/12 heart eyes with the guy she is "not date", dark hair guy, good for him.
Dark hair woman is more easy to please, she gave heart eyes to the older light hair guy 12/12, her bf/hb is 0/12.
Glass light hair woman is the easiest, give heart eyes to guy that is not her guy, right the first time she swing, she is pretty much another dark hair woman case, can't get max ecstasy with her guy but easy get to top with other guy.
This story can keep drag on by keep add more couple or just end.
Edit: thank georgenorthern. but light hair woman is still hardest to please so far, her heart eyes frequency is the lowest.
I seen the next chapter already, the other couple didn't join their swinging because they have to go back to their town, but they did continue swinging with other couple, so they are already out of the picture for now. As for the main foursome, they continue their swinging lives but it looks like there will be a next chapter after that.