well it fine if there 2 upload. how was the doujin, you got an chance to read them yet?
PS: well that was an waste of money since you uploaded first LOL >.<
but not the worst thing that has happen to me.
I think that was my last old Toaru doujin i had left, the rest I have are digital I bought and new Toaru DOUJIN from this year that are coming in (& the one i sent you)
Ill upload the old one first so the new one are still being sold online still and people are buying them.
Before the days of me knowing about japanese transport delivery @nasu_sensei
I used Doujin republic to buy my hentai at, it had an good library but a bit costly depending on the doujin.
PS2: ok varor, i sent the PM on the forum site on e-hentai, take care