Posted on 19 October 2020, 11:48 by:
Genoshia Score
Base +4, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, Bane13 +53, Jec0p +6, Imrahil97 +6, Disko_s +6, Dragzos +6, Aside -6, blockade -9, okmonger +5, Consentacle +9, Sdoots +6, viniccius36 +4, and 57 more...
Posted on 19 October 2020, 11:56 by:
Vagic Score
Base +6, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. -11, glitterhame -6, Aside +6, Consentacle -9, Almasy +6, Twentytwenty -7, Illuminati81 +6, Der Hunter +6, platzbo +9, Dardfis +6, John Silker +2, linksbro1 +10, and 15 more...
Base +6, JollyCoops +6, hlwsh5 +6, Bane13 +53, FarbrorPierre +6, Muropakkaus +6, Dragzos +6, Aside +6, blockade +9, anonnimoustache +4, viniccius36 +4, Illuminati81 +6, platzbo +9, and 59 more...
Posted on 19 October 2020, 12:37 by:
AceofWind Score
Base +6, Bane13 +53, FarbrorPierre +6, Dragzos +6, Aside +6, okmonger +5, viniccius36 +4, Twentytwenty -7, Illuminati81 -6, Dardfis +6, IvanGo +14, John Silker +2, linksbro1 +10, and 18 more...
Posted on 19 October 2020, 12:49 by:
jdninja Score
Base +7, Aside +6, Illuminati81 +6, kingwolf +20, Wordsmythologic -6, subbesnubben +6
Posted on 19 October 2020, 13:30 by:
Krazylec Score
Base +6, Aside +6, viniccius36 +4, Illuminati81 +6, Dardfis +6, Clamstatic +6, Wordsmythologic -6, subbesnubben +6, yazg6 +6, Blue-Blaze +6, propanoate +3, shekelmeister +6, PVRAMXDS +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Illuminati81 +6, Clamstatic +6, kingwolf +20, Wordsmythologic -6, PVRAMXDS +6
Base +5, Dardfis +6, Illuminati81 -6, fappyqaz +6, John Silker +2, Clamstatic +6, kingwolf +20, baadar +7, deadpanda777 +6, DanRade +7, cukrownik +8, bootsmeller1488 +6, Wordsmythologic -6, and 5 more...
Posted on 20 October 2020, 05:06 by:
DerpyBack Score
Base +1, Tammas_Dexter +4, Sketch240 +6, onlyregistere +13, FerKing +7, Wordsmythologic +6, propanoate +3, PVRAMXDS +6, Henrey +6
Base +6, Wordsmythologic -6, WarHero -10, illadin37 +11, Almasy -6, PVRAMXDS -6
Base +7, LunaCat +6, GaRbS +6, Almasy -6, yazg6 -6, d20master +7, muusharna -6, propanoate +3, Shylight +6, mrkitteh -9, shekelmeister -6, BioTube +13, Void161 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 January 2021, 02:55 by:
zolpidem Score
Base +6, muusharna +6, propanoate +3, Void161 +6