Base +6, SocksGalore +6, biggerisbetter3343 +5, Person8 +7
Base +6, AGMlolz +15, Loki The Flameshield +7, Icemancan1 +6, Swab +10, Budd -7, biggerisbetter3343 +5, as102 +11, Syerathe +13, Solmyr Barad -5, Seaguller -6, Jouven +7, Wadgerbookie +11, and 24 more...
Posted on 22 October 2020, 02:41 by:
pusangcat Score
Base +7, Terithius +11, Lin84210 +11, onyxarmor -6, Lopsiding -7, Rabaa +7, Your Brother +6, GoblinTech -4, Person8 +7, opopis5 -7
Base +7, Icemancan1 +6, teijong +6, dorkas +7, Porokichin66 +9, Rabaa +7, okayokaylisten +6, gotee +6, QuikBasic +8
Posted on 22 October 2020, 05:25 by:
ghost013 Score
Base +6, Budd +7, Person8 +7
Posted on 22 October 2020, 06:09 by:
raposazul Score
Base +15, Danjian +6, you are pants +10, Budd -7, biggerisbetter3343 +5, Syerathe +13, Solmyr Barad -5, onyxarmor +6, barrbarus +6, akscpaieki +7, okayokaylisten +6, gotee +6, Morik432 +8, and 2 more...
Base +6, Azusa Hiiragi +30, Budd -7, biggerisbetter3343 +5, Gorm +6, dorkas +7, Syerathe +13, Solmyr Barad -5, Jouven +7, elaxor +6, xw1as +9, rednilog +6, LunaCat +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 October 2020, 08:15 by:
Surge.... Score
Base +6, Wadgerbookie +11, xw1as +9, gurrenpn +6, gotee +6, PREVERT +9, Brtr +5
Posted on 22 October 2020, 09:20 by:
ProdigalL Score
Base +6, Budd -7, PsychicDoom +6, dorkas +7, Syerathe +13, Solmyr Barad -5, Wadgerbookie +11, barrbarus +6, magarey -7, okayokaylisten +6, gotee +6, miketheman +6, Person8 +7, and 1 more...
Posted on 22 October 2020, 17:24 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, magarey -7
Base +18, nembapro +6, Kaspiya +6, Person8 +7, Brtr +5
Base +13, Xalren525 -6, MoonCheese -7
Base +4, gotee +6, QuikBasic +8, Brtr +5
Posted on 30 October 2020, 09:36 by:
Xorrak Score
Base +6, Douku +4, okayokaylisten +6, gotee +6, miketheman +6
Base +6, Kaspiya +6, Brtr +3