Note: This gallery only contains the translated JPG's For the animation in English, please download the torrent that contains the gallery in HTML format. The animations are tested in Firefox and Chrome.
The animations aren't directly translated, because that would be a daunting task to do, as well as to correct any grammatical errors or other things would take longer to fix. That's why I have made this compromise. The e-hentai gallery only contains the JPG stills, while the torrent will contain a HTML gallery I created that used the original text-less GIFs and put a overlaying and transparent PNG on top. No images are resized, I've only used different sizes on the HTML pages to fit within a normal 1920x1080 screen. If you know CSS, you can easily edit the provided stylesheet.css to your likings
hentailand isekai plot boys: get OPOP power and get to fuck every female species girls: get nothing and get fucked by every male species the difference is only to fuck or to be fucked
So orc marriages don't last more than a few hours and they don't care what happens to the wife after that, apparently. Can't be good for their population numbers.