A set of random bullshite and nonsense ..."a humorous look at alternative versions of the Skunkworks girls" images by James M. Hardiman himself, posted as a long-winded Fools' Day joke back in 2008, with accompanying soapboxes included. Mind you, this is explicitly not the scans of Spoofworks folio but, rather, a series of images posted on the Skunked.com back in the day.
Extras mentioned in the gallery title consist of few images created for the joke without the soapbox (now existing as extremely limited quantity By The Tail prints); and advertisement materials for Spunkworks - of which I still have no idea if that was purely a jest on Jim's part (as it was in his nature, and as this image directly states), or a real limited offer (as this screenshot included at the end of the gallery seems to imply - but that's Jim for you, so that's precisely the kind of gag either he would try to pull off to piss off someone; or someone else would try to piss him off).
I miss the main man Hardiman. Something like a perverse Jim Henson for young furries from the 90s to the early aughts, and like Henson, gone way, way too soon.