One of the first "official" furry comic anthologies; run for four issues and was published by one Jim Groat through his independent publishing label GraphXPress.
A relic of now forgotten Great Anthropomorphic War, a fossil from times when where no "furries" - not yet: for, you see, "Morph" stands for "Anthropomorphic" - a to go term for what now firmly known as "furry", used as a contrast and counterpoint to normies' "funny animals" label, and preferred on certain side of the Great Naming Divide; and, although some traces of that largely insignificant debacle still could be found in form of propaganda materiel left to tender mercies of digital rot in cruel form of encroaching ceaseless entropy in the deepest recesses of dusty and cobweb-ridden trash-heaps bearing the names of forgotten (and not-so-forgotten) "funny animals" artists - we all know which side won in the end.
As for why exactly "funny animals" were so inconvenient - well, for example, this very thing may have, or have no relation to ancient Inherit the Earth adventure computer game, on which one Lisa Jennings worked as a concept artist and animator - much to her chagrin due to constant pigeonholing and executive meddling at the hands of the publisher, who "saw animals and equated it with children, and so forced us at every turn to cater to the 8-12 range, up to and including removing any death scenes to keep a Children's Rating".