Well the setup turned out to be a bit different than I imagined, but I still enjoyed this one quite a bit. Even though she's a young wife in this, I think she looks like a perfectly ripe MILF throughout. Not only do we get a hot MILF calmly sucking cock, but we also get a nice escalation with the boss. It's kind of amazing how much great stuff Sensei packed into so few pages. I just wish it was a bit longer. Anyone know if there's a sequel? I really love the way Sensei draws women and am planning on doing a few more that I've found (although to tell the truth, even though they're longer and in color, and this one is rather unfinished looking, I think this one is better).
CopyOf, Is there any chance you'd be interested in translating more of Erondon Hearts' Super Real Mahjong doujins? This one especially: /g/861291/cebf58892a/
Been hoping to see them translated for a while, it would be highly appreciated!