@shrek789 Someone with no talent that got popular because "muh cuck" fetishists. Now you're seeing that lack of talent being brought to bear without the porn/cuck to prop it up.
The grammar and spelling are fine. The art is average, maybe even slightly above. The dialogue is the dumbest shit I've ever read... But I CAN read it, so there's at least that.
If this were meant as some manner of satire, then maybe I could see it being decent. The fact that it's clearly not is what ruins it, really. I'm not familiar with the artist's previous work, but if this is an attempt to branch out, it's a very poorly conceived one. This almost, Almost reads like a joke-a-day comic, but if that's what it's meant to be, then that format only works if the jokes are funny.
My suggestions? Add some more depth between pages, this desperately needs more continuity to elaborate on what's going on. Pick a lane, either be sexy or be funny-it's clear mixing them isn't an option here-and lean into it. Or, failing all that, drop the other shoe already and reveal this is actually another 'fetish' comic so the original following jumps in to defend it.
Base +4, Umrchan -4, IronHide77777 +6, deidara10 +7, tadpolegaming +7