MAN, do we already have a winner here! I ALWAYS appreciate more futa She-Hulk art out there, especially quality like this! I've never seen a futa She-Hulk comic developed like this, and I already love what I see! This is already looking to be a real winner, and I EAGERLY await what comes next! LOVING what I see! Please keep us up to date on this, and thanks SO much for this as well, BlazingH!
Base +15, samm1e1 +11, Toshikko +6, hellspenguin +7, Mr.Baum +6
Posted on 20 February 2021, 14:36 by: Anonymous737
Score +6
"Hmm I wonder why She hulk transformation porn is so lowly rated yet this one i--(sees Futa tag) ah, makes sense now, the previous ones weren't degenerate enough."