Posted on 24 November 2020, 14:55 by:
qq3870990 Posted on 25 November 2020, 09:33 by:
xzxk Score
Base +6, FOlife +6, yui6969 +6, wipuuuui -6, yuuxxjdjy +6, nj321 -5, 4nanai +2, alexdinosuar +6, zza27 +6, TongShYY +4, pupss97162 +6, Yisipata +2, TNT Kon +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 09:37 by:
帥逼晨星 Score
Base +6, 响当当 +4, 诀影_流年 +7, yuriloover +7, fg2731355203 -6, YJason +6, jxxy24 +6, BZfather +6, 四方谣 +4, extern +6, ninglingm +6, yuanlue +6, w15143578936 +5, and 26 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 09:37 by:
强撸飞升 Score
Base +6, asd.3313210 -6, zi77416857 -6, Retjj -6, 秋名山护林员 +6, yui6969 +6, charliecc +7, hlf321 +5, E9J97 +5, charlies121 -6, rddcc +6, woiexhti -6
Base +5, KJFIFALVMAL +6, charlies121 +6, wsasyzmrt +6, q423305370 +6, kissxx +2, Clayless -6
Base +6, ningen2 -5, jxxy24 +6, 12dora450 -6, ssswarlock -6, TFAisZ -6, woshirn +6, fg2731355203 -6, ValorKin +26, meng布朗 +6, 天上不下雪 +7, hen13579 +7, leiyux +5, and 45 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 10:57 by:
thmLL Score
Base +6, TAES -5, extern +6, visitorss -6, woshirn +6, DarkBa +8, hakunomiko +6, naftoria +6, w15143578936 +5, acaciadragon +4, danteehome +6, wsasyzmrt +6, MOM~~~~~~~ +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, ddit.wt +6, v228200 +6, knightrivers +2, PreciousSMLE +2, Red Rube +6, 圣魔殿主 +6, typewrittter +6, pengyikai +6, 23232dfa +6, bakaprc +6, fanshu22 +7, cfsbmb123 +6, and 94 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 11:19 by:
trfyftf Score
Base +6, ningen2 +5, yuriloover -7, windspringss -5, bakaneko555 -6, fg2731355203 +6, TAES +5, shiyishi -6, Fei Lunar -6, extern -6, Overteeth +6, 12dora450 +6, Kalandil -4, and 96 more...
Base +6, ningen2 -5, yuriloover +7, fg2731355203 -6, TAES -5, 12dora450 -6, extern +6, Overteeth -6, Kalandil +4, supanoodle -9, woshirn -6, ultimater +6, 23232dfa -6, and 74 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 13:46 by:
Skyline_R Score
Last edited on 16 February 2021, 21:19.
Base +6, holojiang +2, samuelwqj +6, yuriloover +7, Prora +6, haruhiismer +6, Cloudlicoius +6, windspringss +5, a15970450859 +6, x757298255 +6, AliceMegatron +6, yamtszkin +6, aminoko +6, and 160 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 14:33 by:
黎至寬 Score
Base +5, fg2731355203 -6, shiyishi +6, jxxy24 +6, 四方谣 +4, woshirn +6, 圣魔殿主 +6, 致幻丶 +4, 23232dfa +6, shangrilas +7, Alicyia +6, VenYula +6, pengyikai +6, and 61 more...
Posted on 25 November 2020, 17:05 by:
Lol 555 Score
Base +5, aminoko +6, RinFuyu +3, woshirn +6, ninglingm +6, DarkBa +8, fg2731355203 -6, Alicyia +6, starkkhoo +6, 工ロ魔人 +27, f401157769 +6, luo120712 +6, kevin8709 +6, and 67 more...
Base +4, 23232dfa +6, wwwwbiggerguy +6, dlk233 +5, gamernsks12 +6, Clayless -6
Base +3, akiraquin -4, ye21 +6, Steve0108 +6, あずさ3號 +3, RaistlinY +3, Zhagaroth +6, nanqingyuNY +4, Clayless -6
Posted on 26 November 2020, 02:31 by:
Cazher Score
Base +6, 23232dfa +6, ningen2 +5, pengyikai +6, Red Rube +6, ZhaoFuckingSky +6, wsasyzmrt +6, pupss97162 +6, 921770760 +38, 绛疯子 +6, Acclerator12450 +9, Uid114514 +6, Clayless -6, and 1 more...
Base +7, woshirn +6, fghcvjk +6, 骗的真谛 +6, ttp961124 +4, pengyikai +6, Red Rube +6, wudapao +1, DasAuto00 +6, ZhaoFuckingSky +6, alexdinosuar +6, Dreamcz +3, hiaaa +6, and 18 more...
Base +6, ningen2 +5, 1156430460qe +6, Clayless -6
Posted on 26 November 2020, 18:11 by:
konoobaka Score
Base +4, charlies121 +6, kevin8709 +6, dzc1515 +6, a40547646 +6, sciam +4, moemoenina +3, 不稳定传送门 +6, 噶点荡 +3, 姬淄羲1100 +4, DasAuto00 +6, ecilaa +6, ZhaoFuckingSky +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 27 November 2020, 07:16 by:
DeryckG Score
Base +6, saitamakun +6, h-lam +7, fg2731355203 -6, pengyikai +6, fenghuayi +6, mather F**K +6, wudapao +1, DasAuto00 +6, realeye +6, Cghjki +5, alexdinosuar +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, and 12 more...
Posted on 27 November 2020, 07:33 by:
67923681 Score
Base +6, zefter +6, pengyikai +6, Zhangyuguo +4, Wensinjue +6, lixiaojinque +3, Clayless -6
Posted on 27 November 2020, 08:21 by:
uedbq Score
Base +3, Red Rube +6, Windiess +6, wwwwbiggerguy +6, DasAuto00 +6, alexdinosuar +6, nanqingyuNY +4, 逐†银 +6, Clayless -6, 36alkk -6
Posted on 27 November 2020, 16:46 by:
秞稚殿下 Score
Base +4, fg2731355203 -6, 噶点荡 +3, wwwwbiggerguy +6, Law_Aias +3, busheqiu -3, CHENZHUOQUN +6, kissxx +4, 逐†银 +6, gamernsks12 +6, Clayless -6, 36alkk -6
Posted on 28 November 2020, 12:06 by:
MONEY.av Score
Base +8, yiyunianshao +1, Nanjo ELI +6, lei2000 +6, ABCXYZxLeo +6, bellpig123 +6, zh1zh2zh3 +6, Mr.yeast +4, sciam +4, 夜见黄昏 +6, wudapao +1, Nekopror +2, 十万光年铁幕 +6, and 31 more...
Base +6, 泉水叮咚 +6, wsasyzmrt +6, Clayless -6
Posted on 20 December 2020, 16:28 by:
凯凯颜 Score
Base +5, 不稳定传送门 +6, cnmdwshh +6, DasAuto00 +6, 逢魔道人 +5, Dreamcz +3, nanqingyuNY +4, daimaowangsaigao +6, Clayless -6, 36alkk -6
Base +6, adultlink +5, DasAuto00 +6, hcyys +4, North Bacon +5, Law_Aias +3, CHENZHUOQUN +6, Wudangwudiya +5, kissxx +4, 优莉克丝 +6, Ephrain +6, Sakura君 +6, 0o0 Run -4, and 7 more...
Base +6, abc1920340 +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, Law_Aias +3, liyi1 +6, roma1206 +6, Ephrain +6, hq9cs +6, tmp2333 +3, Clayless -6, z1714862365 +6, 36alkk -6
Posted on 16 February 2021, 09:13 by:
小恋恋 Score
Base +6, ecilaa +6, 逢魔道人 +5, Clayless -6
Last edited on 23 April 2021, 08:23.
Base +6, 逢魔道人 +5, 有电脑 +6, fish80330 +6, Dreamcz -3, The_King_in_Yellow +5, CHENZHUOQUN +6, kissxx +4, roma1206 +6, Sakura君 +6, hq9cs +6, 金属寒 +6, fg2731355203 -6, and 6 more...
Base +6, qcyming +6, nanqingyuNY +4, 星塔旅人 +6, Winson0715 +6, DasAuto00 +6, 逐†银 +6, V1_161 +6, gamernsks12 +6, Clayless -6
Posted on 13 December 2021, 17:04 by:
Shirozuki Score
Base +6, 1418907030Aegis +7
Base +6, xxssadsdwa +6, gamernsks12 +6, Clayless -6
Base +6, lqq8 +2, 逐†银 +6, zhaaaassj +5, 寂寞轮回 +6, 0o0 Run -4, gamernsks12 +6, 星尘之轨迹 +1, 4BSRQ9 +6, nightspell +6, Clayless -6, CN-MaccAfee +6, Evanz111 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 20 July 2022, 01:58 by:
tjls000 Score
Base +6, Ng Cheuk Hin Gareth +1, zhaaaassj +5, taipanmaster +6, jipaifang +6, gamernsks12 +6, 金属寒 +6, _Tao-kun_ +6, Rek_s +6, ttp961124 +6, Clayless -6, パンツのPants +6, 12456as +1, and 5 more...
Base +6, 逐†银 +6, zhaaaassj +5, kof0133 +6, ElectroSwingNanashi +2, cj123k008 +6, junhao12345 +6, xxssadsdwa +6, mojianex +5, gamernsks12 +6, nightspell +6, Er7E +3, fenghuayi +6, and 1 more...
Base +3, zhaaaassj +5, clown- +5, gamernsks12 +6, ttp961124 +6, Clayless -6, detailhard +6
Base +6, super pilot +3, mojianex +5, hq9cs +6, xxssadsdwa +6, 1997liuling@ +6, 绛疯子 +6, reedundermoon +6, SpiritSoloist +8, gamernsks12 +6, 天神海斗 +6, CN-MaccAfee +6, Jat58 +2, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 October 2022, 14:04 by:
unkiller Score
Base +5, gamernsks12 +6, xibahahah +3, goov +6, 最后的卡神 +6, 绛疯子 +6, ac450026 +6, lzh556 +6, reedundermoon +6, 米娜桑ぁ +6, 金属寒 +6, 无证萝莉控 +6, SRC233 +2, and 19 more...
Posted on 30 October 2022, 03:51 by:
xinyue 1 Score
Base +2, Miracleman +6, 绛疯子 +6, fpPN -1, 天神海斗 +6
Base +6, xxssadsdwa +6, 最后的卡神 +6, 绛疯子 +6, lzh556 +6, reedundermoon +6, 金属寒 +6, fg2731355203 +6, SpiritSoloist +8, ka50biss -5, gamernsks12 +6, xxxsssccv +3, nightspell +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 11 November 2022, 07:29 by:
cansui Score
Base +6, The_King_in_Yellow +6, Jasonchan1998 +3, Clayless -6, 天神海斗 +6, sbsbdasb +6, detailhard +6
Posted on 18 July 2023, 16:17 by:
121XT Score
Base +6, wjq6 +6, Clayless -6, sbsbdasb +6, qzxy +6, GhostCN +6, peichao -7, kiki562023 +4
Posted on 24 August 2023, 07:23 by:
络阳炎 Score
Base +5, ttp961124 +6, Clayless -6, Er7E +3, big_cat +6, DasAuto00 +6
Posted on 09 October 2023, 08:05 by:
噗~噗噗~ Score
Base +6, Clayless -6, Er7E +3, xxxsssccv +5, sbsbdasb +6, qzxy +6, sikizyn +5, dys123567 +4, wodeha +5, kiki562023 +4
Posted on 15 February 2024, 03:29 by:
Gorehow1 Score
Base +6,
sbsbdasb +6,
tiancaihaohaha +6,
Evanz111 +6,
qzxy +6,
peacep +6,
执剑人罗辑 +6,
四十度大陆 +6,
kaping +6,
GhostCN +6,
Wuke. +6,
[email protected] +6,
Shinyan_Y +4, and 13 more...
Posted on 16 February 2024, 18:59 by:
trfyftf Score
Base +6, 执剑人罗辑 +6, 四十度大陆 +6, kaping +6, Matthew_first +7, 天神海斗 +6, peichao -7, jmc_akatsuki -6, detailhard +6, goho8 -6, widecaller233 +6, a1002370599 +7, dys123567 +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 06 July 2024, 01:16 by:
zzcdscm Score
Base +6, Clayless -6
Posted on 16 August 2024, 19:30 by:
Nano116 Score
Base +5, DasAuto00 +6
Posted on 20 August 2024, 19:40 by:
azsx1 Score
Base +6, aaanzhi -5, foheej +7, Overteeth +6, a1002370599 +7, Dthu7 +5, dys123567 +4, nangong20 -6, kiki562023 +4
Posted on 20 October 2024, 17:31 by:
hawa8 Score
Base +12
Posted on 04 November 2024, 07:56 by:
浅色之空 Score
Last edited on 05 November 2024, 13:30.
Base +6, Dthu7 -5, jokerjojo123 +4, comcctv -6, wodeha -5, foreverywy -6, goho8 -6, kiki562023 -4, Lill30 -6