Posted on 20 March 2007, 05:21 by:
Tim222 Posted on 08 July 2010, 18:47 by:
blunt005 Score
Last edited on 17 August 2016, 05:54.
Base +1, monny11 -4, TheEscape +3, miner603 +8, skyfoda +9, zethrindor +7, 牛头王 +1, hgbdd +28, Zagai +7, Kiriax +9, Rob3rt +9, NeBuR1997 +3, Piehead -6, and 99 more...
Base +5, monny11 -4, TheEscape +3, giygaskiller +5, miner603 +8, randdoggity +7, skyfoda +9, zethrindor +7, QuiZSnake +7, nameit +6, VaryEx +4, 牛头王 +1, hgbdd +28, and 168 more...
Posted on 02 December 2010, 14:25 by:
fiquen Score
Base +4, skyfoda +9, Gabriel2 +1, 牛头王 +1, Kiriax +9, Rob3rt +9, Big-king.kor -3, omgpirate +9, Kudowafu -13, MT666888 +18, eyelezz +8, Typhlame +10, umetal +10, and 54 more...
Posted on 24 October 2011, 19:09 by:
Bulleta Score
Base +1, 牛头王 +1, hgbdd +28, Kiriax +9, Rob3rt +9, Piehead +6, Big-king.kor -3, jonasjoao +7, omgpirate +9, Kudowafu -13, MT666888 +18, eyelezz +8, giygaskiller +7, and 149 more...
Base +14, Big-king.kor -3, omgpirate +9, Kudowafu -13, YaoiHentaiLord -10, MT666888 +18, Typhlame +10, umetal +10, dajie +16, tyytyyt1 +4, 3dog -9, dolphinslow +17, 456wdv +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 21 December 2011, 00:43 by:
Numinor Score
Base +12, YaoiHentaiLord -10, MT666888 +18, eyelezz +8, Typhlame -10, umetal +10, dajie +16, tyytyyt1 +4, JonG829 +22, 3dog -9, SpoofEdd +5, dolphinslow -17, 456wdv +6, and 18 more...
Base +2, omgpirate -11, Second Dus +7, dolphinslow +17, 456wdv +6, StillWind +9, limitbreak +11, arckantos -5, vDen +9, metalfiend +2, Nayabel +7, Slobber -29, Alttp +8, and 44 more...
Posted on 24 June 2012, 16:40 by:
Telfear Score
Base +8, dolphinslow +17, 456wdv +6, jeren_sky +9, MorpeloL +8, arckantos +5, vDen +9, metalfiend +2, Nayabel +7, Slobber -29, hZi +6, Zgibar +13, srt +3, and 37 more...
Base +7, 456wdv +6, arckantos +5, metalfiend +2, Slobber +29, Zgibar +13, hZi +6, srt +3, vitono +8, arde6445 +7, sunshineandlolipops +6, Lakki +3, thefameboy64 +6, and 16 more...
Base +13, srt +3, hZi +7, Lakki +3, surted -14, Tiger42 +1, brecom +1, jfragrettel +7, JnTo. -18, Gabygabycandid +6, tobeunforgiven2 +18, blue penguin +47, bob1909bob +7
Posted on 22 August 2013, 03:06 by:
thx1 Score
Base +29, Lakki +3, Gabriel2 +9, surted -14, Tiger42 +1, brecom +1, jfragrettel +7, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Posted on 20 November 2013, 00:13 by:
rrschwenk Score
Base +8, AnonRandom +8, somethingperson +4, Lakki +3, Nayabel +9, Gabriel2 +9, surted -14, LuckyStar9432 +7, Tiger42 +1, brecom +1, utsuge +21, boboverlord +7, Lostalgia +5, and 20 more...
Posted on 22 May 2014, 20:22 by:
pussy69 Score
Base +6, surted -14, UWin +8, Tiger42 +1, Schroedinger +8, brecom +1, fail293095 +6, Qwerty Bam +6, jfragrettel +7, shadow king +8, Cloudkitty +17, dunker3 +4, megamanzerobasslink +5, and 8 more...
Base +6, Tiger42 +1, brecom +1, fail293095 +7, jfragrettel +7, Cloudkitty +17, JnTo. +18, Lomped +2, Hyoros +13, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Red Panties +2
Posted on 16 September 2014, 12:23 by:
elgringo Score
Base +25, Tiger42 +1, brecom +1, boboverlord +7, giygaskiller +6, kuezan -7, jfragrettel +7, Lomped +2, Wayward_Vagabond -21, sasman +11, Hyoros +13, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, and 1 more...
Base +4, supermandffff +7, brecom +1, kuezan -7, Cloudkitty +17, Lomped +2, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Posted on 21 October 2014, 08:35 by:
mrtc06 Score
Base +1, brecom +1, boboverlord +7, kuezan -7, Qwerty Bam +6, JnTo. +18, Lomped +2, LunalaTranslations +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Quflow +7
Base +15, tensaikid +7, kuezan -7, jfragrettel +7, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Base +4, kedrin3 +5, Hyoros -13, bob1909bob +7, AhumanRS +19, grlt +3, kuron7 +6
Posted on 09 July 2016, 20:58 by:
jackalo Score
Base +16, jfragrettel +7, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Base +4, deth212 +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Ryzen33100 +1, grlt +3
Base +6, 万莲华镜 +4, DBY36988 +1, Him392 +4, Hyoros +13, tants123 -2, ComradeGeneral +4, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, HighlanderOnion +5, novellist +2
Posted on 10 January 2019, 01:54 by:
rubixes Score
Base +6, Beyond Imagination +6, Lomped +2, lolfaggot +7, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, AhumanRS +19
Posted on 02 March 2019, 22:29 by:
grgspunk Score
Base +7, The_Sickness66 +6, AlfredHoneyBuns +6, Hyoros +13, LunalaTranslations +6, vetmode +7, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, HighlanderOnion +5, Waitugreat +17, 義介仁 +6, ifaptokanye +7
Base +6, defski +3, agianttowel +6, El goblino +4, wxj609722650 +6, The14thNoah +11, mcdkz42 +10, cjeep910821 +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Base +6, Sirchoco +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Snowbull +6, Anonymous mystery +7
Posted on 26 July 2019, 08:03 by:
gayrx78 Score
Base +6, wxj609722650 +6, guojiyingxingCXK -2, owomowo +6, hatricker +1, bob1909bob +7, didikash +6, 苍肥皂 +6, Damocles_ss +1, wdgg114514 -2, 8327ms +5, Nico888 +4, Om1488 +1, and 4 more...
Posted on 26 July 2019, 10:15 by:
X-sora Score
Base +13, wxj609722650 +6, bob1909bob +7, 8327ms +2, didikash +6, 前奏曲白雪姬 +1, covoe +2, dgrg +1, chachong +2, wiwiwisisi +2
Posted on 26 July 2019, 10:18 by:
H2O-Go Score
Base +7, Hyoros +13, bob1909bob +7, Anonymous mystery +7
Posted on 26 July 2019, 12:02 by:
josh1002 Score
Base +6, bob1909bob +7, AhumanRS +19
Posted on 26 July 2019, 13:28 by:
塔布里斯 Score
Base +33, mcdkz42 +10, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Base +6, The14thNoah +11, mcdkz42 +10, Gabs999 +6, bob1909bob +7, HighlanderOnion +5, timeismana +6, man person +5, luckyhusky +6
Base +7, Kaibaman1 +9, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6
Base +6, Gabs999 +6, LunalaTranslations +4, ravioli duck +5, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, man person +5, asdfzxc920 +6, Vasnody +2, ifaptokanye +7, SirZoric +2
Base +7, BestBB-BestCA-BestCL +7, sailornasheed +6, rockarolla +6, Hyoros +13, Gabs999 +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, timeismana +6, 残影贵哥 -6, Banini159199 +1, fattius_pattius +6
Base +6, rockarolla +6, blatata +6, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, kttimu +5, 残影贵哥 -6, Qcman +2
Base +1, 0Mad_Nick0 +1, LouLouChu +6, Hetzel +3, Voltgar +4, pinkybong +1, Gabs999 +6, Gupzaloro +6, gomen420 +1, Captain Tarkus +2, Lirula +6, ComradeGeneral +4, LunalaTranslations +6, and 31 more...
Posted on 16 June 2020, 08:05 by:
ldl551 Score
Base +5, 专业抬棺 +1, ComradeGeneral +4, 00孤城00 +2, bob1909bob +7, xuanyuanyexue +5, 苍肥皂 -6, Whwftk +5, Jessen2008 +4, 1670936132dd +5, とじまり +5
Posted on 23 August 2020, 04:54 by:
matiase81 Score
Base +10, bob1909bob +7, Gabygabycandid +6, hlss +6, Doomyguy1 +6, pacolocoXD +13
Posted on 26 December 2020, 12:50 by:
Kinzzer Score
Base +2, bob1909bob +7, Chimuelo01 +6, Gabygabycandid +6, pacolocoXD +13
Posted on 23 October 2021, 12:36 by:
wzt略略略 Score
Base +4, kaputom +5, Alpha_LN +5, junaisaiko +3, MeowUwun +1, scf123 +16, hatricker +5, SunshineBoy1314 +9, XPOrb +1, gregPL +1, とじまり +5
Posted on 06 June 2022, 10:43 by:
pz6tg Score
Base +5, 残影贵哥 -6, Chennies +6, scf123 +16, Rxinns +3, gregPL +1, cmumt43 +3, とじまり +5
Base +1, 残影贵哥 -6, Chennies +6, scf123 +16, qugongxu +1, dimoonlight +6, hatricker +5, Rxinns +3, TONYLIUPF +5, ytcxdxy +4, Xxg_233 +4, gregPL +1, Stevenenenen +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 20 July 2022, 07:46 by:
AhhHello Score
Base +5, 8327ms +5, scf123 +16, SunshineBoy1314 +9, ytcxdxy +4, kajyay +6, SCP_527_FISH +6, Saber325 +4, とじまり +5
Base +58, MehMeher +7, とじまり +5
Base +5, WSBN +5, SilkyZ +6, ReallyTerriblePerson +6, VCzjb +6, discsfine +6, とじまり +5
Posted on 04 October 2024, 18:50 by:
L51z47X16 Score
Base +1, とじまり +5
Posted on 13 October 2024, 16:04 by:
zby0795 Score
Base +5, とじまり +5
Posted on 31 October 2024, 21:55 by:
太华灵 Score
Base +3, とじまり +5, Boboland -2
Posted on 04 November 2024, 05:59 by:
kinux32 Score
Base +6, とじまり +5
Posted on 19 November 2024, 22:39 by:
dtgdvftb Score
Base +6