One of the scant shards of the epoch where sci-fi only began turning into SyFy. No relation to Neuromancer, though - at least afaik. But - that all is just idle musings and nothing more, for scheduled rant is pretty much superseded by the editorial on the page 1.
Covers are in .JPG cause colour, rest are in .PNG.
@Chainjailhunter To my everlasting chagrin, no. This is the only one I managed to acquire quite a lot of time ago. Can only promise to upload in case anything else would end up in my possession - though chances are slim, to be honest.
EDIT: Well, liar liar pants on fire, I suppose. I do have another one. Though, in my defense, it is a collaborative work between David Hopkins and Roz Gibson, with style distinctively reminiscent more of Hopkins' Jack than pure Jack Salem. I'll upload it in a bit.