Base +2, powa01 +15, Capi duffman +15, lost-in-thought +6, Hawlc +6, sacheu +6, Krugger +7, daitengu +8, valkyrur7 +5, Ice_Cream +13, musoukaXIV +10, Forgunia +6, Vormik +7, and 48 more...
Base +12, Bloobania +7, Grimz +7, lost-in-thought -6, powa01 +15, Ice_Cream +13, chero666 +6, Forgunia +6, kealuox +7, Gabygabycandid +6, SocksGalore +6, Mad-Kruger +6, Darudado +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 27 December 2020, 18:29 by:
qW1eR2tY3 Score
Base +10, lost-in-thought -6, tyguy +7, powa01 +15, cycber +17, Ice_Cream +13, Vormik +7, Benny-boy +29, kealuox -7, Bubblejum +6, Rose Garden +10, SocksGalore +6, Darudado +6, and 19 more...
Base +20, tyguy +7, Capi duffman +15, powa01 +15, Ice_Cream +13, Vormik +7, Benny-boy +29, kealuox +7, Bubblejum +6, Gabygabycandid +6, Olivki +6, Rose Garden +10, SocksGalore +6, and 26 more...
Posted on 27 December 2020, 18:52 by:
Pheebe Score
Base +6, Krugger +7, chernova +6, Bubblejum +6, RataArctica +6, DEADXX +9, Zantos -7, viniccius36 +5, dangit123 +6, Reasons2B +6, Shigimatsu -7, Captain Hooker -21
Base +7, Ice_Cream +13, -Revan- +17, Nyabastet +6, kealuox -7, RataArctica -6, EdwardxD +6, DEADXX -9, akunoko -30, Moe Moe Moe -6, Deathglass +13, Reasons2B -6, MelmothTheWanderer +34, and 1 more...
Posted on 27 December 2020, 19:30 by:
john34404 Score
Base +8, powa01 +15, deadarm +6, valkyrur7 +5, Shade080 -8, musoukaXIV +10, deinla -6, Sylphon +6, Vormik +7, Lethal68 +6, kealuox -7, Bubblejum +6, Olivki +6, and 48 more...
Base +11, powa01 +15, Ice_Cream +13, xmanzero -6, kashima_glove +21, kealuox -7, Gabygabycandid +6, MelmothTheWanderer +29, helabus +6, RataArctica -6, shalter +7, EdwardxD +6, DEADXX -9, and 5 more...
Base +6, Hawlc +6, Nightmare754 +6, musoukaXIV +10, Tillerd +6, kealuox +7, helabus -6, panser32 +6, kai64 +6, dimanganime +8, geistmas +6, RataArctica +6, somerandomdude33 +7, and 18 more...
Base +7, rjimenez666 +6, helabus +6, Ice_Cream +13, James2841 +6, akunoko -30, Reasons2B -6, Chapell +6, nurd +6, Captain Hooker +21, georgenorthern +6, Santafire -6, Tarball +13
Base +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Neouni +6, Reasons2B +6, georgenorthern +6
Base +5, Beyond Imagination -6, deinla -6, Talisman1 +16, Forgunia +6, Olivki +6, MelmothTheWanderer -29, MagB +6, helabus -6, kai64 +6, Neouni -6, Ice_Cream -13, DellDELLER +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 27 December 2020, 20:56 by:
DJjames Score
Base +7, Bedlam11 -6, Beyond Imagination -6, asriel02 -8, deinla -6, sirskyrider +8, Urezek -10, aaron_ +11, Vormik -7, xmanzero +6, Ryougi -11, MelmothTheWanderer -29, Korynga_San -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 00:05 by:
Theleux Score
Base +6, Gabygabycandid +6, Bubblejum +6, Olivki +6, wjxxhulka66n6 -6, codesin -7, Hawlc +6, 44inf +6, RataArctica +6, Austriacus +6, nerpmerp +11, DEADXX +9, 58569 +10, and 7 more...
Last edited on 31 December 2020, 03:40.
Base +6, rezarmuk -6, Trashhole1 -6, killugon -12, Nyabastet -6, waltergeist -10, kealuox +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Olivki +6, wjxxhulka66n6 -6, helabus -6, Otaku Soniz -6, DellDELLER +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 01:57 by:
rodrick Score
Base +9, kealuox -7, Bubblejum +6, Gabygabycandid +6, Olivki +6, Hawlc +6, RataArctica +6, nerpmerp +11, DEADXX +9, ABDC +6, luis carnero -6, Reasons2B -6, kkslide2 +5, and 4 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 04:20 by:
Soliloque Score
Base +6, kealuox +7, Gabygabycandid +6, DellDELLER +6, RataArctica -6, akunoko -30, agurkmann -6, Reasons2B +6, Dat Shwing -6, Captain Hooker +21, Santafire -6
Base +5, double_shadow -6, helabus +6, Solomus +7, Ice_Cream +13, RataArctica -6, DEADXX -9, PowerSlacker -7, mustardddd +6, akunoko -30, Bamioum -6, Karan05 +6, luis carnero -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 07:01 by:
hoigoigoi Score
Base +25, MelmothTheWanderer +29, Ice_Cream +13, troybayliss +8, sirskyrider -8, Hawlc -6, RataArctica -6, shalter +7, DEADXX -9, PowerSlacker -7, snpaa +6, Janus Mask -19, kamilleisman -6, and 15 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 08:04 by:
Yukipo~ Score
Base +6, DellDELLER +6, Hawlc +6, Rimaka +7, Olivki +6, geistmas +6, MelmothTheWanderer -29, RataArctica +6, nerpmerp +11, DEADXX +9, Grimrabbit -8, gugga -13, Nicosai +18, and 9 more...
Posted on 28 December 2020, 09:18 by:
dgjdgjdgj Score
Base +7, a1andrew +8, Ice_Cream +13, troybayliss +8, Hawlc +6, RataArctica +6, shalter +7, ABDC +6, Beta Faggot +6, Reasons2B -6, Tremalkinger +13, georgenorthern +6
Posted on 28 December 2020, 13:51 by:
Hawk86 Score
Base +6, Harriet_Lariat +6, Olivki +6, RataArctica +6, nerpmerp +11, yllwBOY +6, snpaa +6, BZo1480 +6, grubie +6, James2841 +6, luis carnero +6, AlbaInsignia +6, Beta Faggot +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 29 December 2020, 02:42 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +31, imec +6, grubie +6, Beta Faggot +6, Reasons2B +6, Tremalkinger +13
Base +6, malvic -6, DEADXX -9, Shlayer8 -6, Wapish -6, gugga +13, Olivki -6, Janus Mask -19, James2841 +6, grubie -6, Durandis -7, akunoko -30, Dat Shwing -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 29 December 2020, 03:07 by:
kwajalien Score
Base +13, akunoko -30, luis carnero -6, Partsin -4, MelmothTheWanderer +34, Dat Shwing -6, Waitugreat -16, pekekun +6, Santafire -6, Tarball -13
Posted on 30 December 2020, 07:42 by:
Cure Score
Base +6, luis carnero -6, Santafire -6, Tarball -13
Base +7, Nicosai +18, mustardddd -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Dat Shwing +6, collased1 +6, Captain Hooker -21, georgenorthern +6
Posted on 02 January 2021, 09:37 by:
Eyeshadow Score
Base +8, akunoko +32, James2841 +6, valkyrur7 +5, MelmothTheWanderer -30, lastpeach +6, luis carnero +6, Santafire +6, Tarball +13
Posted on 05 January 2021, 19:36 by:
ryujin99 Score
Base +15, BZo1480 +6, mustardddd -6, akunoko +32, valkyrur7 +5, MelmothTheWanderer -30, luis carnero -6, kkslide2 +5, TheLewdCanadian -6, Captain Hooker -21, Waitugreat +42, georgenorthern +6, Santafire +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 23 February 2021, 19:17 by:
LordFrz Score
Base +6, luis carnero -6, Dr.Deathhh -17, 10K_Jack -7, MelmothTheWanderer +34, nonShade +13, likeyouknowwhatever -6, Santafire -6, musoukaXIV -10
Base +6, luis carnero +6, Imuyaoi -7, MelmothTheWanderer +34, Dat Shwing -6, Waitugreat -15, TheLewdCanadian +6, nonShade +13, Santafire -6
Base +9, luis carnero -6, thelegend4684 +6, Santafire +6
Posted on 16 March 2021, 19:47 by:
inerg Score
Base +6, luis carnero -6, MagB -6, Triumpf of the Ill +6, Dr.Deathhh -17, Qtzctl -6, phantomruler +6, Dat Shwing -6, valkyrur7 -6, nonShade -13, RaizelX -7, Hobik -6, Santafire -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 September 2021, 14:02 by:
Emarmei Score
Base +5, Suzaku87 -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Dat Shwing -6, Waitugreat +15, theslap -8, itsame@ +6, TheLewdCanadian -6, yoyoyo31 -6, nonShade -13, redbone -11, nurd -6, Hobik -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 08 October 2021, 23:47 by:
ElliE8 Score
Base +6, kkslide2 +5, georgenorthern +6
Posted on 01 May 2023, 16:24 by:
Aira1213 Score
Base +6, likeyouknowwhatever -6, Santafire -6, phantomruler +6
Posted on 12 December 2023, 10:47 by:
Delash44 Score
Base +4, likeyouknowwhatever -6, georgenorthern +6, Santafire -6, musoukaXIV -10
Posted on 23 February 2024, 20:32 by:
Inseru Score
Base +6, likeyouknowwhatever -6, Santafire -6, phantomruler +6