Base +6, Achilleskill +4, zwxenx +5, uraniumcarrot +6, willow212 +6, St·Godking +6, 1624491075zz +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, Vinyl Rao +6, silenist +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, Bubbleddot +7, HatsuneIL +5, and 157 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:41 by:
wgyeh Score
Base +6, zwxenx +5, 652cv +6, aksjd7 +1, Eoev +1, AB007BA +8, cvbrjqm +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, hua_xiaoji +6, yokente +6, YooooooZi +6, luohuawuqing +5, Jzm01 +3, and 16 more...
Base +4, zwxenx +5, Vinyl Rao +6, 652cv +6, 悲寂的人生 +6, haozixiao56 +6, Asoulist +6, HNG-hentai +6, jyj444 +5, AB007BA +8, roma1206 +5, 30558 +6, cvbrjqm +6, and 28 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:48 by:
HaiTaoV5 Score
Base +6, OrangeDude +7, ourlord +6, cvbrjqm +6, Radiant_Quests +4, luohuawuqing +5, alexseven18 +4, dmstkl +1, Stat_headcrabed +4, sky_of_carcosa +1, loser999 +6, dubctjcfhbxgjmbvg +6, szzl +6
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:49 by:
clamser Score
Base +6, 我是渣渣ddd +2, rx93_v2 +6, St·Godking +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, Vinyl Rao +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, dgiujio501 +8, 5jgs +5, Uid114514 +5, 很高的矮人 +4, lxtxex +4, MHK417 +1, and 99 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:51 by:
D-class Score
Base +4, aawwaa332 +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, 虚度原型 +6, Vinyl Rao +6, silenist +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, xinqingnian +6, 5jgs +5, Uid114514 +5, 振荡周期 +6, 很高的矮人 +4, xviimidnighter +5, and 80 more...
Base +4, zwxenx +5, Redrix1 +4, the dreamyspring +6, cvbrjqm +6, hua_xiaoji +6, YooooooZi +6, huanv +6, DeltaForce117 +4, 0x55AA +5, Neihan He +6, Adamlovekun +6, EarlySaturday +2, and 1 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:53 by:
D-class Score
Base +4, Aichannelnana +4, zwxenx +5, 5xg7 +5, St·Godking +6, Vinyl Rao +6, 大地与山 +6, 1798637 +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, NoM1racle +4, AcolyteCat +6, PoTaker +4, 5jgs +5, and 223 more...
Base +6, zwxenx +5, DeltaForce117 +4, 振荡周期 +6, 很高的矮人 +4, MHK417 +1, wy12453 +6, 圣魔殿主 +6, 652cv +6, 23retykj +6, fgh10086 +6, 悲寂的人生 +6, gck233 +6, and 78 more...
Base +6, Theendermoon +4, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, Parrk +6, 奈日天 +6, gck233 +6, ok1886 +6, 4256442058 +6, decwhite +6, dyyxx101120 +6, soiltude +6, the dreamyspring +6, Asoulist +6, and 36 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:56 by:
D-class Score
Base +4, 5xg7 +5, asdaabbcc +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, scottzzz +6, nctl +6, 652cv +6, ykl18 +3, ok1886 +6, DBalx +6, ROA001 +6, qq1084637508 +5, the dreamyspring +6, and 63 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 15:58 by:
hinako、 Score
Base +6,
asdaabbcc +6,
米凯拉的卫兵 +6,
nctl +6,
[email protected] +6,
ok1886 +6,
风骚男 +6,
Asoulist +6,
jyj444 +5,
cvbrjqm +6,
yihoujiubuyongle +6,
Lzy117 +4,
yokente +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:01 by:
xiao guai Score
Base +6, xviimidnighter +5, k767987860 +4, Asoulist +6, jyj444 +5, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, ayao0101 +5, Kanade_af +5, ok1886 +6, g8bs8c +5, DeltaForce117 +4, 0x55AA +5, and 3 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:02 by:
exiaq Score
Base +6, zwxenx +5, dogtang +6, DBalx +6, jyj444 +5, 30558 +6, cvbrjqm +6, Radiant_Quests +4, Lzy117 +4, yokente +6, Kanade_af +5, YooooooZi +6, qwe7749 +1, and 15 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:03 by:
到底成不成 Score
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, dEnLYE +5, gck233 +6, ok1886 +6, jyj444 +5, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, IndelibleGlacier +5, Kanade_af +5, DeltaForce117 +4, Stevenenenen +2, Radiant_Quests +4, and 4 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:05 by:
pointCHY Score
Base +6, xiasuyue2001 +1, zwxenx +5, ERROR 404 +13, ok1886 +6, idiot0711 +6, A24SO +8, _(:°з」∠)_ +6, Neihan He +6, jyj444 +5, 482728 +6, cvbrjqm +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:14 by:
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, KoulUrake +6, the dreamyspring +6, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, Kanade_af +5, YooooooZi +6, ok1886 +6, DeltaForce117 +4, hupoguang +6, Stevenenenen +2, KillerChing123 +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:15 by:
绘灵霜蝶舞 Score
Base +6, wuhanchen4A +6, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, Kanade_af +5, huanv +6, Dracay -7, 0x55AA +5, Stevenenenen +3, Eooo1_37 +2, Adamlovekun +6
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, dogtang +6, mikegreat321 +4, ok1886 +6, cvbrjqm +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, yamarin +6, Kanade_af +5, YooooooZi +6, qwe7749 +1, jht875990 +6, Stevenenenen +2, and 3 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:34 by:
er456g Score
Base +6, Penguin_K +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, YooooooZi +6, qwe7749 +1, DeltaForce117 +4, Stevenenenen +2, 0x55AA +5, EarlySaturday +2, abcakc +6
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:46 by:
zzeron Score
Base +6, St·Godking +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, dEnLYE +5, wuhanchen4A +6, 振荡周期 +6, sabercon1993 +6, 652cv +6, 老佛爷 +6, mogekokoko +6, soiltude +6, HatsuneIL +5, duxtr +6, and 45 more...
Base +2, dguhgf +3, dEnLYE +5, 振荡周期 +6, 652cv +6, jyj444 +5, cvbrjqm +6, h2313042420 +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, Judomie +2, Lzy117 +4, daisuke114514 +4, and 20 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 16:58 by:
Kokoru223 Score
Base +7, Nelyafinwe +6, sabercon1993 +6, TQZLSR +6, ofijdsoaifjsd +4, The_King_in_Yellow +4, fgh10086 +6, the dreamyspring +6, Arctan0 +6, hentaibook +6, kitval +6, 30558 +6, cvbrjqm +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 17:07 by:
wujl Score
Base +6, St·Godking +6, dEnLYE +5, qq1084637508 +5, cvbrjqm +6, YooooooZi +6, DeltaForce117 +4, 0x55AA +5, The_King_in_Yellow +4, 名塚紫音 +6, EarlySaturday +2, abcakc +6
Posted on 03 January 2021, 17:15 by:
D.Y. Score
Base +5, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, dEnLYE +5, HatsuneIL +5, 某大哥 +6, lxtxex +4, ok1886 +6, glassesboy +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, 风骚男 +6, cvbrjqm +6, yokente +6, rezl +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 17:31 by:
乐观的叔本华 Score
Base +6, dirty transaction +6, 振荡周期 +6, 30558 +6, YooooooZi +6, 0x55AA +5, The_King_in_Yellow +4, lastmost T2 -6
Posted on 03 January 2021, 17:45 by:
buzi Score
Base +6, +4, The_King_in_Yellow +4, ok1886 +6, soiltude +6, glassesboy +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, A24SO +8, jyj444 +5, cvbrjqm +6, Neihan He +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, zwxenx +5, and 6 more...
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, cvbrjqm +6, Lzy117 +4, Avocadofries +6, zwxenx +5, 0x55AA +5, kuaikyai27 +5, Stevenenenen +3, hariharindjxh +4, nicolar +6, Stat_headcrabed +4, and 2 more...
Base +6, 枪毙蛤药丸 +6, ok1886 +6, cvbrjqm +6, Stevenenenen +2, 0x55AA +5, 名塚紫音 +6
Posted on 03 January 2021, 18:32 by:
HazerC Score
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, 老佛爷 +6, soiltude +6, lmich +7, IndelibleGlacier +5, 悲寂的人生 +6, A24SO +8, thejun1 +9, cvbrjqm +6, zwxenx +5, a214523998 +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 18:32 by:
RinZzzz Score
Base +4, 振荡周期 +6, soiltude +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, DBalx +6, 悲寂的人生 +6, a214523998 +6, YooooooZi +6, Neoi +8, yangziren +3, Stevenenenen +2, determination_ +3, Kaltsit +5, and 2 more...
Base +9, 振荡周期 +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, 老佛爷 +6, ok1886 +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, 悲寂的人生 +6, duxtr +6, cvbrjqm +6, Neihan He +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, zwxenx +5, YooooooZi +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 19:27 by:
Base +6, 枪毙蛤药丸 +6, sabercon1993 +6, 圣魔殿主 +6, apwijngb +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, 652cv +6, The_King_in_Yellow +4, 糸樂沢 +6, QUIC. +4, soiltude +6, wanglaobige +3, IndelibleGlacier +5, and 43 more...
Posted on 03 January 2021, 23:40 by:
dajiandu Score
Base +6, 米凯拉的卫兵 +6, 老佛爷 +6, shdx5 +5, cvbrjqm +6, h2313042420 +6, YooooooZi +6, Lzy117 +4, deffff +6, 0x55AA +5, g8bs8c +5, Stat_headcrabed +4, EarlySaturday +2
Base +6, QUIC. +4, IndelibleGlacier +5, cvbrjqm +6, YooooooZi +6, Meteor43 +3, 0x55AA +5, kuaikyai27 +5, lichee1987 +7
Posted on 04 January 2021, 03:26 by:
jbmw Score
Base +2, A24SO +8, Andrea zhou +6, cvbrjqm +6, LINK陶子多 +6, Stevenenenen +2, 0x55AA +5, fanyanliang +1, fssf1325680 +3, EarlySaturday +2
Posted on 04 January 2021, 07:27 by:
cmmlala Score
Base +6, QUIC. +4, soiltude +6, sabercon1993 +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, pctp +5, not at all +6, cvbrjqm +6, LINK陶子多 +6, luohuawuqing +5, huanv +6, calylii +6, ok1886 +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 04 January 2021, 11:07 by:
heinz527 Score
Base +6, sabercon1993 +6, IndelibleGlacier +5, 30558 +6, cvbrjqm +6, YooooooZi +6, Avocadofries +6, deffff +6, 0x55AA +5, Stevenenenen +3, 314159njx +2, lynrdsky +3, xianyiya +2, and 3 more...
Posted on 04 January 2021, 12:13 by:
Base +6, A24SO +8, cvbrjqm +6, YooooooZi +6, 0x55AA +5, kuaikyai27 +5, Stevenenenen +3, 名塚紫音 +6, 159310ak47m16 +1, abcakc +6
Posted on 05 January 2021, 03:02 by:
bo凉ki影 Score
Base +3, fwetga +6, yuzuojianlianzi +1, cvbrjqm +6, Kanade_af +5, YooooooZi +6, Lzy117 +4, dubctjcfhbxgjmbvg +1, soiltude +6, jfsrgkif1 +4, ok1886 +6, dmstkl +1, deffff +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 05 January 2021, 04:39 by:
ViViTa Score
Base +6, Izumi sasado +15, kitval +6, DasAuto00 +6, C7H5O3Cl +4, soiltude +6, fallensand +6, kuaikyai27 +5, Aside +6, KangNyimak373 +5, nikos3194 +6
Base +6, jklswd +6, cvbrjqm +6, yihoujiubuyongle +6, LINK陶子多 +6, DasAuto00 +6, soiltude +6, hupoguang +6, 诺登斯 +4, 0x55AA +5, Radiant_Quests +4, Stat_headcrabed +4, a248596 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 05 January 2021, 20:29 by:
AzureC Score
Base +6, sabercon1993 +6, QUIC. +4, YooooooZi +6, Lzy117 +4, gdfyffhh36 +6, DasAuto00 +6, Haven Wang +6, mogekokoko +6, alexseven18 +4, huanv +6, soiltude +6, far_away +6, and 29 more...
Posted on 23 January 2021, 06:53 by:
fen、ba Score
Base +6, SkechLock_PUW +6, g8bs8c +5, 0x55AA +5, soiltude +6, kuaikyai27 +5, Stevenenenen +3, Radiant_Quests +4, gaudbgw +1, 名塚紫音 +6, EarlySaturday +2, 芙瑞芳丝 +1
Base +1, overouter +5, zuoqianwo +2, not at all +6, deffff +6, Stevenenenen +2, Meteor43 +3, nidhogge3 +5, fallensand +6, 0x55AA +5, soiltude +6, kuaikyai27 +5, fanyanliang +1, and 12 more...
Posted on 24 March 2021, 16:19 by:
34nl Score
Base +6, 0x55AA +5, soiltude +6, kuaikyai27 +5, juzi12 +5
Posted on 05 December 2022, 04:51 by:
DNCC1 Score
Base +2
Posted on 06 March 2023, 10:01 by:
Base +3, ggXH5 +2