Created by one Steve Gallacci, Albedo Anthropomorphics was a furry comic book anthology series that run from 1983 to 2005, and served as an outlet for more sophisticated stories, mature-oriented in themes and content without pandering to the pornmongers. Of note, one Stan Sakai debuted there with his Usagi Yojimbo magnum opus; while Gallacci busied himself with Erma Felna: EDF.
The latter served as an introduction story for the Albedo RPG, to which this particular anthology serves as a complementary 'zine, used by the creator of the setting to post new 'true' canon elements, while the rest of the contributors acted with "everything is canon, not everything is true" maxim. This particular 'zine turned out to be a rather short-lived venture, though, since there was about three issues of materiel to begin with - and while begun it had, the fourth issue was announced in due time with a publishing date set to "ready when it's done". Which is to say - never; chiefly due to noticeable lack of further significant third-party contributors.
* This is the first issue of the Refractions anthology; * As a bonus thingamabob, a photo of the flexidisk coming as a supplementary insert for the original printing volume is provided at the end of the gallery; * Music from the disk ("Ahnomia" by one DAC Crowell) can be found here - * I do not have the third issue.
@rwpikul In sooth, never a truer words to live by, and my everlasting inspiration for an ideal DMing in every campaign I ever run and few participated as a naught but a humble player. Although, I always considered mere cancellation of life as a too merciful of a measure, so there was that to ever have in consideration...