this was my first translation since no one translate the rest part, this gallery will be here until the first translator @fakezombie claims it or translate the rest part and don't expect about the high resolution and smooth cleaning since I only use my phone to cleans and translate.
P.S: you can comment about my translation but be polite pls
well its been more than a year since fakezombie last update. remember though you dont need to create a new gallery to update the old one, just go to My Uploads / My Galleries > click the [Manage] on the right side > click the Clone and Unlock button. it also fine to keep this gallery even if fakezombie update his own, we have plenty of works with 'alternate translation' here.
@Aelth there's no third part this's all for the Atami part its just the continuation of this /g/1489207/5a4a8eb9af/ that haven't been translated for long