Posted on 17 May 2011, 15:54 by:
southrim Score
Base +12, okkokko +4, anonymous6137 -7, Bamioum +5, Akirra +8, Nayabel +6, Slobber +29, White Joker +12, popcorn99 +6, ElZilcho +6, bushwhacker2k -6, ShadowScipio +6, Beane +7, and 10 more...
Posted on 13 November 2011, 11:09 by:
Pmonkey Score
Base +7, Shadow_771 -10, Acerola +9, Bamioum +5, Heno -8, Tesxy +21, templar9421 -4, Akirra -8, scrappy135 -8, atlascranga +5, Nayabel +6, clad95 +8, falker36 +8, and 31 more...
Base +4, mustardpie +17, Bamioum +5, Akirra +8, predator11 +9, clad95 +8, Slobber +29, LolliXD +3, kymai +10, bushwhacker2k +9, ElZilcho +6, asurmen32 +3, Tochec +2, and 7 more...
Base +6, Akirra +8, animegodswrath +8, Slobber +29, openminded20 -8, Calibre +10, Huy +9, lolgay2 +8, bushwhacker2k +9, ShadowScipio +6, Beane +7, Tochec +2, Nehemz +4, and 17 more...
Base +5, TMD123 +4, clad95 +8, animegodswrath +8, Slobber +29, Halldor +7, camelkid11 +4, White Joker -12, wotor +7, bushwhacker2k -9, UnknowDestroyer +6, Tochec +2, Nehemz +4, and 8 more...
Posted on 27 August 2012, 16:04 by:
tomato86 Score
Base +9, Zwagon +9, Mandrax +8, animegodswrath +8, fierylava12 +7, Slobber +29, LolliXD +3, gabreuoujk +7, wotor +7, Tochec +2, Nehemz +4, m42a +18, Gentleman Chimera +3, and 5 more...
Posted on 19 February 2013, 09:28 by:
milk90 Score
Base +1, asurmen32 +3, Tochec +2, Nehemz +4, Afganitia +6
Posted on 09 June 2014, 21:55 by:
blunt005 Score
Base +6, Afganitia +6
Posted on 10 June 2014, 13:10 by:
Xerodusk Score
Base +8, Nehemz +4, This Is SparTa +5, claws61821 +7, otakoi +6, Nausea +7, Gentleman Chimera +6, Amariithynar +7, LeisureLarry +6, Cressent67 +8