Posted on 18 January 2021, 21:28 by:
K-Polish Posted on 13 January 2021, 21:57 by:
Draizer Score
Base +16, CantStopHodoring +6, Jungshook +6, Th3 Sl0th +6, satellitea -9, taliphone +6, fula_flight -7, Soyungundam +8, Darudado +6, tealprincess +7, lolwutpear +6, Rinkles -3, proet -6, and 186 more...
Posted on 13 January 2021, 22:46 by:
-Revan- Score
Base +18, Entei Nevermore +6, Th3 Sl0th +6, wanderingleaf +2, avrelivs +6, R_T_A_N +6, ZuluMdebele +4, rotar zairo +10, kurotaro +7, hm4ster +7
Posted on 13 January 2021, 23:07 by:
B1u3z Score
Base +8, Cyber Security +7, satellitea +9, viniccius36 +4, wanderingleaf +2, fula_flight +7, Rinkles +3, Volcrat +6, yankeeboy27 +6, proet +6, LegoArielFanMaster +9, VerdeK +6, tachytitafotos +5, and 66 more...
Posted on 13 January 2021, 23:19 by:
5465377 Score
Base +6, nonamethanks +22, lolwutpear +6, viniccius36 +4, Rinkles -3, yutshu +6, Reach +6, blahblahblahblah123 +6, CantStopHodoring +6, VerdeK -6, gpmdc +6, ikurry +6, coleccionista903 +6, and 138 more...
Base +7, wanderingleaf +2, joedildoe +6, Rinkles +3, kunzite +8, yutshu +6, skyless0 +6, deth212 +6, lilgiudis +6, CantStopHodoring +6, Elitefire +6, gpmdc +6, coleccionista903 +6, and 93 more...
Posted on 14 January 2021, 00:53 by:
AhKai Score
Base +6, Eden of Shirock +6, Doubles +8, Narc +6, IronBridge +7, Giangiotto +7, aeroarrow +6, AnonAB +6, Videogamingfreak13 +7, ThreeFingerG +6, Dorseen +7, Viper_12358 +6, JenovasPuppet +6, and 11 more...
Base +5, zombi007 +6, KaTIOWa +6, kondoriyano -6
Posted on 14 January 2021, 03:24 by:
A0_ Score
Base +6, Clamstatic +6, RaizelX +7, Ahryman -6, JuiceGod -6, Vanguard_NG +6, Brego1 +6, Sereaphim +7, CastAoiFan -6, Nausea +7, AnonAB -6, Anonimous1234567890 +6, storp +6, and 34 more...
Base +7, Sereaphim -7, Dilastic -6, phantomdeathoki -6, AnonAB -6, Anonimous1234567890 -6, Bwaly +6, Ckraemer624 -6, killthepie +12, trap15 +8, karavanrob +14, norieelys -6, Alaephant -6, and 11 more...
Base +7, unsafechariot -8, kondoriyano -6, absolugom +7
Base +6, Dorseen -7, ThreeFingerG -6, greenmeanie -8, Bwaly +6, MrGweeb -4, weroar -7, Shemmy +6, Entei Nevermore -6, mister wolf -6, nanaya666 +6, gman90 -1, Beddhist +16, and 17 more...
Posted on 19 January 2021, 01:32 by:
Red 255 Score
Base +7, thatguyCrow +6, KaTIOWa +6, Lurker31 +7, ecchisama +8, anonzgz +6
Posted on 20 January 2021, 02:43 by:
AwwGasm Score
Base +10, chriseras +25, TheRokyando -7, kondoriyano +6, IceCream125Lewd -4
Base +6, Alaephant -6, d-a-w +5, Scumlord -6, Redrider -6, deadarm +6, ecchisama -8, Olegius -6, s0ulkill8r +37, Amacar123 +6, anonzgz +6, TheRokyando +7, Kageryushin +9, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 September 2021, 11:56 by:
notme94 Score
Base +5, beast5200 +7