Posted on 22 January 2021, 08:32 by:
Viktor0nk Posted on 18 January 2021, 11:02 by:
nasu Score
Base +42, Megaton +45
Posted on 18 January 2021, 11:50 by:
Yefta Score
Base +6, MANTOR562 +11, SpaceCamel +6, 14EMB +6, cheese130 +7, wapfel +6, Marz +6, RigenZ +6, AN1337 +6, viniccius36 +5, mcdkz42 +11, Draizer +16, as102 +10, and 52 more...
Posted on 18 January 2021, 11:53 by:
Pesetas Score
Base +2, cheese130 +7, xaelath +6, noteven228 +6, viniccius36 +5, mcdkz42 +11, danielwain +9, MaouMaou +9, bananaramadama-sama +7, Dainyl +7, bobbya1 +6, dante1016996 +6, Mrsuperhappy -40, and 5 more...
Posted on 18 January 2021, 12:51 by:
Artimise Score
Base +6, MaouMaou +9, Olivki +6, Leiley +7, OxRad-1 +4, soul saber +6, Leo William +6, kemono69 +12
Base +6, GGS +10, Braltewrakcus +10, ghost_of_sanakan +7, Nausea -7, m42a +17, Seviper4 +7, RaceTF +6, Beyond Imagination +6, immortal rain +6, Leo William +6, Darknessend +6, Hyoros +16, and 1 more...
Posted on 18 January 2021, 13:41 by:
Slave1911 Score
Base +7, wapfel +6, noteven228 +6, Darksword696 +18, Nausea +7, Braltewrakcus +10, BonoBono08 +6, Jago Smith +8, CyborgSamurai +6, bobbya1 +6, m42a +17, SapphireJack +7, darklord1235 +9, and 21 more...
Base +6, JapGyaruThot +6, Nausea +7, Braltewrakcus +10, Seviper4 +7, soul saber +6, MirLatte +4, Leo William +6, Darknessend +6, limisgood +9, Beddhist +16
Base +8, noteven228 +6, Leiley +7, tacobowl8 +11, BonoBono08 +6, Seviper4 +7, ZMIY +6, baroutter456 +6, Gh1 +7, crazyinsaneanimefan +6, Zoinks +6, Leo William +6, Darknessend +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 18 January 2021, 17:04 by:
asdfghfd Score
Base +7, chinaguy +6, Nausea +7, Braltewrakcus +10, dkman5000 +6, CyborgSamurai +6, Harcoo +9, sy8289 +11, RaceTF +6, cherrydude +6, MirLatte +4, FabulleVI22 +4, RobBob17 +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 19 January 2021, 07:38 by:
aleden Score
Base +21, Leiley +7, Harcoo +9, RaceTF +6, Lin84210 +11, elistraee +8, MirLatte -4, Leo William +6, Darknessend +6, Edtome +7, JumpingJellybeans +6, virtutum +6
Base +8, SapphireJack +7, Leo William +6, NaixTheLS +7, JumpingJellybeans +6
Posted on 19 January 2021, 09:18 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, m42a +17, RaceTF +6, soul saber +6, MirLatte +4, Leo William +6, Edtome +7, JumpingJellybeans +6
Posted on 21 January 2021, 16:20 by:
Limerance Score
Base +6, RaceTF +6, Leo William +6, yukkurikeeper +6, mickeysofine +6, dongusmissiles +6
Posted on 22 January 2021, 10:24 by:
8050 Score
Base +6, Leo William +6, mandingo +6, NaixTheLS +7, Edtome +7, kemono69 +12
Base +7, sitora +6, Mrsuperhappy +48, noteven228 +6, soul saber +6, Yossarian762 +7, baroutter456 +6, MirLatte +4, TopHeavyWeaponsGuy +6, immortal rain +6, sonnytag123 +11, Leo William +6, bigmak -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 21:06 by:
defski Score
Base +9, soul saber +6, baroutter456 +6, MirLatte +4, crazyinsaneanimefan +6, evilfuzzyman +6, Leo William +6, xDraygon +6, Mortaza +6, yukkurikeeper +6, mandingo +6, Ass Spanker +24, lkoofu +9, and 6 more...
Base +6, Chauneko +14, PlatonicNebula +6, Leo William +6, xDraygon +6, JumpingJellybeans +6
Posted on 24 January 2021, 03:16 by:
3ds1234 Score
Base +6, Leo William +6, NaixTheLS +7