Posted on 21 January 2021, 21:14 by:
57welder Score
Base +7, huntmonster +3, MaouMaou +9, LookAtYrOwnName +7, gotee +6, Tryndamere95 +12, BNPeanuts +6, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, xxlover27 +6, daicalun07 +6, alllifeinfate +6, kondoriyano +6, and 3 more...
Base +15, MaouMaou +9, RX620 -6, Slave1911 -7, Gabygabycandid +6, heh...narto -6, jsnormandy +8, debunote -6, inser_name_here92 -6, LegoArielFanMaster -9, xxlover27 -6, Dooderz -8, unown(0) -9, and 12 more...
Base +10, ragnel alondite +6, Rezzlo +6, millerjollins +6, gotee +6, Scorned +7, RX620 +6, LinuxUser1 +6, LoneHero33 +8, Dragonpaladin +13, PinguPrin +7, Bomb Square +7, heavenlyskyfriday +7, and 68 more...
Base +7, Halycon_ -6, PhantomRenegade -18, toyachikage99 -7, KCzz15 -18, traderdave -6, Ragusauce -9, @Inkblot -27, Simplechimp -7, THDragon -28, imtooold21 -7, 3dsssdds -6, 413gacha -2
Base +6, VodkaAllDay +8, ragnel alondite +6, milo50 +6, Subway +7, Ragusauce +9, Gabygabycandid +6, royozeri19 +7
Posted on 21 January 2021, 23:33 by:
aleden Score
Base +21, LookAtYrOwnName +7, viniccius36 +5, gotee +6, AhKai +6, LinuxUser1 +6, Shurikensei +9, Bomb Square +7, Tryndamere95 +12, SkullDraecos +4, bananaramadama-sama +7, oheye +9, pond39267 +6, and 31 more...
Base +6, LookAtYrOwnName +7, gotee +6, Tryndamere95 +12, Gabygabycandid +6, Shash103 +5, NerdNumber9 +13, daicalun07 +6, 413gacha +2
Base +11, zukuenft +9, Gabs999 +6, Bomb Square +7, Alaephant -6, manakarl +6, blulaz -7, pond39267 +6, sitora +6, OnlyRussellHD +12, FMoonedge +6, lolkiel +7, Gabygabycandid +6, and 21 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 02:05 by:
Red 255 Score
Base +7, RX620 +6, mentosftw +6, LinuxUser1 +6, Nitramy +6, MrShadowzs +6, Dragonpaladin +13, oheye +9, pond39267 +6, Toastkoro +7, Cruelty +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Dooderz +8, and 18 more...
Base +6, Jack Woods +13, DarkTemplarXIII +6, SunDragon750 +8, SkullDraecos +4, cipher13 +7, manakarl +6, KuroToast +6, positiveguy +8, pond39267 +6, Shevanel +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Marcefox +9, and 32 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 04:35 by:
orangedew Score
Base +7, SkullDraecos +4, BenCoon +6, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Dooderz +8, MelmothTheWanderer -30, valkyrur7 +6, Shash103 +5, NerdNumber9 +13, cukier12345678 +1, daicalun07 +6, aqwa30 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 06:02 by:
terumokou Score
Base +7, Bomb Square +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Kuyun +6, MechWarriorNY +9, hazemick +6, Dooderz +8, Shash103 +5, PVRAMXDS +6, NerdNumber9 +13, disposable.respect +6, daicalun07 +6, A.Kasuga +6, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 07:53 by:
pihip Score
Base +6, SkullDraecos +4, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Dooderz +8, VitekLV +7, Shash103 +5, Bedbin +17, NerdNumber9 +13, cukier12345678 +1, daicalun07 +6, A.Kasuga +6, sgc_geh +9, and 3 more...
Base +6, quack_duck -8, Haku Kagurazaka -11, Patch_ -6, RandomUser1471 -6, horror6 -6, torching53 -6, frontsex -19, MrNyou -6, BNPeanuts -6, FMoonedge -6, Shevanel -7, DScum -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 13:41 by:
Firegunz Score
Base +6, Gabygabycandid +6, Dracolord1208 +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Dooderz +8, MelmothTheWanderer -30, valkyrur7 +6, undefinedghost +7, Shash103 +5, exia45 +6, Almighty19 +6, NerdNumber9 +13, cukier12345678 +1, and 10 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 17:18 by:
Darkdoom Score
Base +7, Gabygabycandid +6, hazemick +6, Goombario +6, Otaku Soniz +6, Shash103 +5, kurakawa +8, PVRAMXDS +6, strelok3 +6, Why_Not212 +7, imonlyhere4porn +6, LokiFox +6, sgc_geh +9, and 5 more...
Posted on 22 January 2021, 17:25 by:
Quflow Score
Base +7, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Shash103 +5, Vince_Muranov +6, Capuchuu +7
Posted on 22 January 2021, 21:34 by:
Aerith12 Score
Base +12, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Shash103 +5
Posted on 23 January 2021, 00:50 by:
Unumbium Score
Base +7, LookAtYrOwnName +7, Gabygabycandid +6, MechWarriorNY +9, Dooderz +8, Shash103 +5
Posted on 23 January 2021, 08:02 by:
Hawk86 Score
Base +6, Kraftz +6, kurakawa +8, RighteousSwordhand +6
Posted on 23 January 2021, 19:45 by:
I_Leopard Score
Base +5, MechWarriorNY +9, Beyond Imagination +6, Dooderz +8, Nyonlol +7, Shash103 +5, Broomstick Vilian +7, NerdNumber9 +13, daicalun07 +6, Dr.Pavel +6, Bedbin +17
Posted on 28 January 2021, 17:37 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +34, Dooderz -8, NerdNumber9 +13
Posted on 03 February 2021, 18:16 by:
Teppary Score
Base +7, Shash103 +5
Posted on 06 February 2021, 04:14 by:
aleden Score
Base +22, Shash103 +5, MechWarriorNY +9, LookAtYrOwnName +8, cukier12345678 +1, daicalun07 +6, Dr.Pavel +6, Bedbin +17, 413gacha +2
Posted on 06 February 2021, 07:32 by:
kurkz Score
Base +2
Posted on 07 February 2021, 03:23 by:
gabrizeno Score
Base +6, 413gacha +2
Posted on 07 February 2021, 04:02 by:
0ld0neEye Score
Base +15, Gabygabycandid +6, asop69 +6, PVRAMXDS +6, cukier12345678 +1, sgc_geh +9, sissassos +6, MechWarriorNY +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, StarfishHeat +8, 413gacha +2
Posted on 07 February 2021, 14:37 by:
dgjdgjdgj Score
Base +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Romi the Byzantine +7
Posted on 19 April 2021, 18:39 by:
Anklaf Score
Base +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, Anonymous mystery +7, 413gacha +2
Base +6, sgc_geh +9, Bedbin +17, MechWarriorNY +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, 413gacha +2
Posted on 31 July 2021, 23:58 by:
Hecatom Score
Base +19, MechWarriorNY +10, Romi the Byzantine +7, jsnormandy +10, 413gacha +2
Posted on 24 August 2021, 14:33 by:
ACHnt Score
Base +6, jsnormandy +10, Capuchuu +7
Posted on 19 December 2021, 18:50 by:
NeverW Score
Base +6
Posted on 26 April 2022, 19:13 by:
MrCha05 Score
Base +6, SanyaBane +8, Capuchuu +7, 413gacha +2
Posted on 15 March 2023, 13:37 by:
pregion Score
Base +6, grg0r +1