1. I have major respect for fan-artist Mauroz. The way he manages to portray most of his human MLP:FiM characters' tails, horns, and wings through clever clothing depiction-use.
For example(s): - a. "Pony" Tails... Long trailing sashes, back-worn fanny-packs, or a "tail" of magic particles streaming behind them (like a comet tail). - b. Pegasus Wings... Cloaks, capes, flared jackets, long scarves/veils, and even backpacks (with "wings" on them) - c. Unicorn Horns... Helmets, headbands, or wands (resembling their unicorn horn).
I find Mauroz's technique incredibly clever; as opposed to resorting to horned/winged/tailed (demi-)humans, which I always find very off-putting .
2. It is clever & creative artistic detailing like that, which is the mark of a skilled artist. :)