Posted on 18 December 2009, 07:34 by:
Eutopia Base +5, qwaszx999 -6, belxebu -7, Person8 -8, shadyguy -4, Thanatoes -7, Kasyre -7, Nashrakh -12, shadowtyphoon -8, altereggo -11, savaris -1, openminded20 -5, KhorneAcolyte -5, and 24 more...
Posted on 27 August 2010, 14:58 by:
cemex Score
Base +7, shadyguy +4, altereggo +11, savaris +1, Tibek +4, Sentiment +1, jing467 +1, zoozak +8, Swab +11, jzohach +6, Bamioum +6, ballcock +3, Chinro +5, and 14 more...
Posted on 26 September 2010, 04:14 by:
JIL Score
Base +6, altereggo +11, zoozak +8, LordDyhalto +14, Bamioum +6, fine17 +6, ArchetypE93 +5, junpi -5, ale137 +11, Railander +21, rambo voller -11
Posted on 30 October 2010, 11:35 by:
Seiharu Score
Base +1, MisterMonster +5, 123456787654321 +7, zoozak -8, antikv +7, jeren_sky +5, Trisk -10, Bamioum +6, junpi +5, Telimena -4, Gunnal +5, anon5678 +3, Kenkimaru -7, and 11 more...
Posted on 20 November 2011, 05:09 by:
McPandion Score
Base +2, jzohach +6, ballcock -3, Chinro +6, ArchetypE93 +5, junpi +5, Sonneillon666 +4, rjimenez666 +4, Viktorious -5, ale137 +11, endwar614 +4, Railander +21, VioletNyXIII +5, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 April 2012, 23:24 by:
Wind-Pet Score
Base +6, Trisk -10, Bamioum +6, ballcock +3, fine17 +6, Chinro +6, ArchetypE93 +5, junpi +5, Telimena +4, Zwarf +7, tracingthelines +7, aaawwwddd -4, jovial123 +2, and 15 more...
Posted on 12 June 2012, 01:53 by:
Raou Score
Base +8, ballcock +3, ArchetypE93 +5, shaggy88 +9, junpi +5, Rapossu +10, rjimenez666 +4, ale137 +11, Icebatfrenzy +6, splat68 +3, VioletNyXIII +5, NailB +13, tobeunforgiven2 +17
Base +2, junpi -5, ReadingSteiner -6, Gunnal -5, Sorania -2, Harkening -3, atlascranga +7, faramirjay +6, tracingthelines -7, ale137 -11, saehara -7, The Dark Dragon +5, Railander -21, and 4 more...
Posted on 07 December 2012, 07:13 by:
elzi Score
Base +14, junpi -5, Gunnal -5, Sorania -2, lenzen -6, joeyjoah +1, Torrentymous +5, faramirjay +6, geromy +6, krim1 -6, chinu +2, iliekmudkips +7, ale137 +11, and 13 more...
Posted on 13 October 2013, 08:08 by:
Cyndrus Score
Base +12, Drakjon -7, Wrath of Anon +4, faramirjay -6, tracingthelines +7, geromy -6, fine17 -6, jovial123 -2, Marinaway -7, krim1 +6, chinu -2, honoryellow -12, rjimenez666 -4, and 11 more...
Base +5, fine17 +6, Chinro +6, ale137 +11, bowbowcheese +1, VioletNyXIII +5, NailB +13, splat68 +4
Posted on 01 September 2016, 01:44 by:
3DM Score
Base +7, Railander +21, inkarian21 +6, VioletNyXIII +5, tobeunforgiven2 +17
Posted on 11 November 2019, 18:04 by:
l2ose Score
Last edited on 28 November 2019, 00:48.
Base +7