Posted on 20 October 2020, 22:12 by:
I_Want_It Score
Base +6, TheGoodGiggle -7, udin-san -6, Northerner -6, NanaMatoi -5, Zyzygy +6, Vuanaunt +6, S.omeone -10, Articshadow -3, eaee +7, Volttekka -6, Toshikko -6, BigJ4L -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 21 October 2020, 01:27 by:
moon2587 Score
Base +6, hitmeup +6, kingus +6, Northerner +6, Zyzygy +6, thebeginingoftheend +7, kilerog +8, Succubus Oneechan +6, S.omeone +10, BigJ4L +6, Sylvrwolflol +8, TheDocK +4, rambo voller +20, and 2 more...
Posted on 21 October 2020, 05:47 by:
kachakali Score
Base +6, Vuanaunt +6, Poliana +6, eskhahe +6, agdl2 +3, ddg180 +4, TheDocK +4, kingus +6
Last edited on 21 October 2020, 08:41.
Base +7, Fallen_Prince -6, RanmaSaotomeChan +6, Volttekka -6, Poliana +6, eskhahe -6, Manga God +8, kingus +6, agdl2 +3, Marius8 +20, TheDocK +4, rambo voller +20, Northerner +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Zyzygy +6, Articshadow +3, S.omeone +10, Sylvrwolflol +8, XEman +7, Manga God +8, agdl2 +3, Succubus Oneechan +6, TheDocK +4, kingus +6, Enbu -7, Jay Low +17, and 1 more...
Posted on 25 October 2020, 20:52 by:
rantnrave Score
Base +6, thebeginingoftheend -7, S.omeone -10, Ars Gratia Artis -5, Articshadow -3, DsAdvocate +6, Aisk1000 +7, Pops up -5, Succubus Oneechan -6, eaee +7, Volttekka -6, Raguna31 -7, Poliana -6, and 21 more...
Base +6, TheDocK +4, S.omeone +11
Posted on 18 March 2021, 10:05 by:
karachi Score
Base +6