Posted on 08 February 2021, 14:04 by:
3DK-x Score
Base +4, member33 +8, nomkey00 +6, Fish- +6, Liadis -7, snpaa +6, vishnu079 +6, shaidar0 +6, lookabox -6, invalidwords +9, qqasd21 -11, ronhin -7, random2003 -6
Base +6, yichuan321 +5, Onyxia1986 +5, lalla12 +6, Qwertius +10, *Blackshard* +8, belateddeath +7, digifan7 +7, MCGUWNO +6, Fish- -6, snpaa +6, Riddik11 +7, AWWWWWWWWW +6, and 25 more...
Base +7, animealltheway777 -6, MCGUWNO +6, Fish- -6, Riddik11 +7, CG2324 -1, shaidar0 -6, Morden78 +11, poep -17, caly -6, gongon12 +6, leobree -11, marcellus345 +6, and 12 more...
Posted on 09 February 2021, 03:01 by:
Jiltist Score
Base +8, animealltheway777 -6, MCGUWNO +6, Fish- -6, Riddik11 +7, CG2324 -1, shaidar0 -6, Morden78 +11, poep -17, caly -6, gongon12 +6, leobree -11, marcellus345 +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 15 February 2021, 18:26 by:
cg8 Score
Base +10, Fish- -6, Riddik11 +7, animealltheway777 -6, CG2324 -1, shaidar0 -6, member33 -8, Aikou015 -6, fadfrog -6, thehatter13 -4, vombatti -10, poep -17, El Faposo -5, and 9 more...
Posted on 16 February 2021, 21:05 by:
kieyzo Score
Base +7, Clone26 +6, Riddik11 +7, Wangerman +6, poep -17, gongon12 +6, Nethan +7, Davidrinius +6, marcellus345 +6, ForgottenHonor +6, capcomist -6, purpleseraph +6, iggy1297 +9, and 5 more...
Posted on 17 February 2021, 00:56 by:
Hentairo1 Score
Base +8, Fish- +6, LJames +6, viniccius36 +5, Katsura Masakazu -8, Morden78 -11, Gaiadrill -10, vombatti +10, gongon12 -6, Smokefan +6, marcellus345 -6, ForgottenHonor +6, purpleseraph -6, and 8 more...
Posted on 17 February 2021, 18:24 by:
Oddball Score
Base +7, Riddik11 +7, Morden78 +11, Gaiadrill +10, poep -17, caly +6, gongon12 +6, Kurokami999 +6, Fish- -6, Clone26 +6, Davidrinius +6, wichaio +6, marcellus345 +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 20 February 2021, 04:32 by:
Metal Man Score
Base +6, lookabox -6, thehatter13 +4, poep +17, morphdwarf +6, cartman_1996 +4, caly -6, gongon12 -6, Fish- +6, Smokefan +6, Morden78 -11, marcellus345 -6, ForgottenHonor +6, and 15 more...
Base +6, poep -17, lookabox +6, Gvt Official +2, gongon12 +6, Fish- -6, leobree -11, shadowknight007 -7, ForgottenHonor -6, Knipol -6, Maxim xaos -6, purpleseraph +6, Neckbreak86 +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 21 February 2021, 13:42 by:
Alurker Score
Base +6, poep -17, Gvt Official +2, caly +6, gongon12 +6, leobree -11, Clone26 +6, thehatter13 +4, Davidrinius +6, marcellus345 +6, ForgottenHonor +6, Maxim xaos +6, Gaiadrill +10, and 9 more...
Base +6, poep +17, Davidrinius +6, ForgottenHonor +6, purpleseraph -6, Gvt Official +2, LordCentaur +6, invalidwords +9, DankMemeren -8, Abc03 -8
Posted on 27 February 2021, 22:17 by:
dildre Score
Base +6, invalidwords +9, Davidrinius +6, Gvt Official +3, cartman_1996 +4, Fish- +6, DankMemeren -8, EB_Benjy +5
Posted on 06 May 2021, 12:17 by:
yankev Score
Base +6, Yoshiquest +6, shadowwall456 +7
Base +28, Bane13 +54, cozzy121 +6