Posted on 17 March 2021, 21:31 by:
klorpa Base +11, blablaREbla +3, St_Radnom +6, mrsound -6, Tron90 +8, aliolisasha +6, IndelibleGlacier +6, JAB1993 +6, Radiant_Quests +6, Jon Dough -1
Posted on 17 March 2021, 22:44 by:
sjupl Score
Base +6, blablaREbla +3, mrsound -6, Tron90 +8, aliolisasha +6, IndelibleGlacier +6, Xyno2112 +6, JAB1993 +6, Radiant_Quests +6, Jon Dough -1
Posted on 17 March 2021, 22:59 by:
DmonHiro Score
Base +11, MezzoDragon +8, blablaREbla +3, St_Radnom +6, b03 +20, Nemuru_Hermit +14, GOR707 +6, mrsound -6, freeink +6, IaY +10, Tron90 +8, aliolisasha +6, IndelibleGlacier +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, joesenzanome -6, Gor1n1ch -6, b03 -20, muffinfucker -8, TastelessWhiskey -7, cdesires +5, Nemuru_Hermit -14, mrsound +6, St_Radnom -6, Elevator Doors -6, Alberio -5, predator1337 -9, and 4 more...
Posted on 18 March 2021, 03:21 by:
Ghalen Score
Base +6, mrsound -6, 馬馬騜 +6, JAB1993 +6
Posted on 18 March 2021, 03:57 by:
Five555 Score
Base +7, DarkDZ +7, GOR707 +6, mrsound -6, Alberio +5, aliolisasha -6, Outoko +6, 馬馬騜 +6, damaramu1 +6, Smashproof +15, shine fire +6, Qwertius -14
Base +4, mrsound +6, freeink -6, St_Radnom -6, DKang -6, Elevator Doors -6, IaY -10, whitegivemen -4, Tron90 -8, Alberio -5, Nemuru_Hermit -14, predator1337 -9, JAB1993 -6, and 2 more...
Base +6, mrsound +6, freeink -6, St_Radnom -6, Elevator Doors +6, Tron90 -8, aliolisasha -6, 馬馬騜 -6, shine fire -6, Ssank -1, kenabrxg -19, JAB1993 -6, Qwertius -14, and 1 more...
Base +6, Qwertius -14, JAB1993 -6