Base +6, blatherby -6, nanocrusnik -7, squashmonkey +5, Rayquazaxza -9, bluebunnie -6, CheshireSquirrel -7, husky0168 -6, OurAgnosia -6, 100pScrilla -2, lostsoulpk111 -6, Sapo84 -30, StillWind -29, and 2 more...
Base +6, nanocrusnik -7, zeojze -10, squashmonkey +5, bluebunnie -6, CheshireSquirrel -7, husky0168 -6, Sapo84 -30, StillWind -29, buttfarty -6, 2HuMaster -6, v1 NinJa -6, Kanata4Life -8
Base +6, Lekon3 +6, lostsoulpk111 -6, xD4N73x +8, Koodlee +5, WhatEver99999 +10, ourlord +6, Bucciarati98 +5, v1 NinJa +6
Base +6, CheshireSquirrel -7, lostsoulpk111 -6, Einhanda -8, GhostAssassin125 -6, blatherby -6, xD4N73x -8, lolbigboi -4, ネコ耳 -7, Quaffle -11, Iammuffin -7, buttfarty -6, ladiesman1234 -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 23 March 2021, 03:39 by:
on9 Score
Base +6, CodeGeasscity +5, miz88 -3
Posted on 23 March 2021, 08:10 by:
sangaz Score
Last edited on 24 March 2021, 15:50.
Base +6, OurAgnosia -6, doragon88 -6, Bunsen +8, buttfarty -6, Lameth -7, Daedal -6, Lapbunny -6, sakura sasa +6, annoying_you -8, low0915 -6, WalterFeng -6, 2HuMaster -6, and 6 more...
Base +6, bf850 +3, 抵制国产 +6, leizhenhao -6, ourlord -6
Posted on 24 March 2021, 18:41 by:
biggity Score
Base +7, Lapbunny +6, 2HuMaster +6, yummy小新 -7, doragon88 +6
Base +6, 抵制国产 +6, leizhenhao -6, 魔女的丝袜 +5, nasascp +6, ourlord -6, usiri +6