Included artist commentary. Please support the artist if you enjoy their work! (also someone pls re-add tag male on dickgirl idk why it was voted down)
"An ejaculation club" full of unique students! The ejaculation club is an athletic competition for distance, endurance and beauty. I'm going to draw a story like this:D
Page 4 This is Yo-ko Nasuno. She's a First grade. She competes in the Distance and Futanari Wrestling. She has a very vivacious personality. She's a bit vulnerable to being hit, but she's a gutsy player. She's a player whose skills are still in their infancy, but I'm looking forward to seeing her develop in the future. Maybe she will fulfill the dream I was unable to fulfill...
Page 5 She is Namimi Umihara. She's also a First grade. She's an Endurance athlete. She's petite in stature, but has tremendous stamina. She is a childhood friend of Nasuno's, and they can often be seen together at school. She's easy-going, but has a strong core of character that doesn't panic in a pinch. She wants to be an idol in the future.
Page 6 This girl is Maroko Konoe. A First grade. She's an Art competition player. She has been practicing ballet and dance since she was very young, so she has a good foundation in acting. Her classmates have nicknamed her "young lady," and she is indeed a "young lady". She seems to see Nasuno as a rival, but she's not a bad girl.
Page 7 Now, let me end with my introduction. I'm Onishima, the coach of this athletic club. I teach health and physical education in my school class. I was also a former Futanari wrestler, but lost my left eye and right arm in an accident and retired. This is how I am now teaching the younger generation. Despite the fact that I look like this, I am popular with the girls. Occasionally, a girl will confess her feelings to me. But unfortunately, I'm 34 years old, married and a mother of one. hahaha.
Page 8 I'd like to explain the Futanari Athletics a right away... but, I have a class to teach now. Next, let's talk about Futanari Athletics. I'll see you later! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Last three minutes!" "987" "988" "Hey, what do you want to eat after practice? Curry? Ramen?" "Ramen!" "You'll have to get lots of refills." (Yoko is so cool♡♡♡♡)
射精部「基礎講習」Futanari athletic club "Basic Instruction"
Page 12 Before I get to the explanation of the competition, I'll tell you an important story. As with other sporting events, ejaculation competitions, it is important for athletes to develop their fitness. If you are physically weak or mentally challenged, you won't have a good record. They need enough sleep, especially during the growing season. You're not all night owls, are you?
Page 13 And it's often misunderstood to be about "No Fap". Some athletes suppress masturbation to improve their records, but it has the opposite effect. masturbation suppression increases stress and often has a negative effect on competition. Masturbation should be done naturally and in moderation. I also masturbate properly.
Page 14 Erection is primarily parasympathetic for erection and sympathetic for ejaculation. So it's very much a mental influence.Masturbation is very important to avoid stress and pressure.But you have to be careful. If you keep giving your dick too much stimulation, your sensitivity will be dulled and you'll often get in trouble for competition.Besides, you won't be able to have fun sex with your partner. Treat your dick gently.
Page 15 You're all growth period and young, so you should be energetic and full of ejaculation. Athletes in ejaculation competitions ejaculate heavily. That's why a lot of them wear condoms and masturbate.Condoms can be purchased on a student discount basis through the online purchasing department.You'll need one when you have sex with the girl you love, so make sure everyone carries a condom! That's it for today's class.
※当然ですが先生の教えはフィクションですよ。 Of course, Onishima teachings are a work of fiction.
Page 16 波美「きょうの鬼島先生の授業も勉強になったね~」 陽子「そ、そうだね」 波美「陽子ちゃんってけっこう性欲強いもんね♡照れ屋さんだけど」 陽子「し、しょうがないよ!運動するとなんか・・・ムラムラしちゃんだよぉ」 Nanami(N)"I learned a lot from Mr. Onijima's class today.Right?" Yo-ko(Y)"y,Yeah." N"Yoko's got a strong sex drive, right?Shy, though." Y"I don't have a choice! Exercise makes me kind of... horny."
Page 17 波美「えへへ♡波美もね、陽子ちゃんと練習するとムラムラしちゃうんだ♡」 陽子「あたし・・・もぅ・・・」 波美「いっちゃいそう?もうちょっと我慢して。波美ももう少しでいきそうだから・・いっしょに、ね?」 陽子「うん・・・」 N "hehe. You know, Nanami gets horny when practices with Yoko, too." Y "I'm gonna..." N ”Are you ready to cum? Please be patient a bit longer. Nanami almost ready to cum... so let's be together, okay?” Y "Yeah"
Page 21 Come to think of it, I didn't give you an introduction to the school. I teach at "New Port High School", located on New Port Island, an artificial island in the Seto Inland Sea. It is one of the few schools in Japan that has a Futanari athletic club, so many students come from far away to take the test. That's why it has a dormitory for students. The small island in the upper left is Onigashima, the island where I was born and raised.
Page 22 The school is located in the center of Newport Island. The Newport Liner, which goes around the island, is a convenient way to get to school from the mainland. There are various laboratories on the island. Among them, the Institute for Computational Science is famous for its supercomputer. It's a great place to study. And there are plenty of places to enjoy recreational activities on the island.
Page 23] Well, today is body measurement day in a Futanari athletic club. Body measurements are essential for competition. Of course, as an athlete, health checks are essential. If you skip a practice, they'll know right away. Hmmm, they're still a lively bunch.
Page 25 Konoe's dick is suited for an art competition. It's a smart looking, sword-like dick. This type of dick can release sperm in a beautiful trajectory. The medical staff is also admiring Konoe's dick.
Page 26 Nasuno's dick is suitable for fighting and flying competitions. It's a thick, robust, stout cock. It has a tapered tip, but this works to its advantage in the distance competition. Have you ever heard of a squeeze-bore Gun? The tip of the dick narrows, which allows the pressure of ejaculation to be applied more efficiently to the sperm.
Page 27 Umihara's dick is a little bit cute. As you can see, the main feature is this well-developed testicle. Hmmm, it's very soothing to watch. The amount of ejaculation is quite impressive. That's quite an advantage in endurance competitions. However, the size of the testes is not necessarily proportional to the amount of ejaculation. Even if the other players have smaller testes than you, you can't be too careful. Well, that's it for today!
Page 32 「こんにちは!ミヨさん。 いつものお願いいたしますわ!」 『あら、近衛さんお久しぶり~♡ 射精部はもう慣れた?』 「えぇ!素敵な先輩方や先生がいらっしゃるの。それにライバルもいましてよ?」 『まぁ、まぁ!素敵だわ!』 ”Hello! Miyo.As usual, please!” "Hello, Ms. Konoe, it's been a while.Are you used to the Futanari athletic club?" "Yes! I have some wonderful seniors and teachers.And then there are the competitors." ”Oh! Lovely.”
Page 33 『今日は新しく入った海藻由来のローションでマッサージするわね♡ ミネラルたっぷりで色艶もよくなるし、とても感度もあがるの。』 "Today I'm going to massage it in with a new seaweed based lotion that I just got in stock. It's rich in minerals and improves my color and sensitivity."
Page 34 「んっ♡♡♡」 『うふふ♡ だんだんポカポカしてきたでしょ?下腹部の力をすぅ~っと抜いて、リラックス。』 『射精は我慢しなくていいわ♡ 自然にまかせて、ね?』 "Relax and let your lower abdomen relax.You don't have to hold back an ejaculation."
鬼島先生の夫婦の営み♡ Onijima-sensei's husband and wife's activities ♡
Page 37 「ふふふ・・・久々の休暇だからな 思いっきり頼むぞ♡」 "It's been a long time since I've been on vacation. Please Full power of you."
Page 38 「んっ♡んっ♡んんっっっっ♡どうだ? 生徒たちと一緒にいつも鍛えているからな。締め付けもかなりのものだろう?」 「ダーリンのちんぽが喜んでるのが胎内でわかる・・ぞ♡」 ”I'm working out with my students. My tightness is strong, right? I can feel my darling's cock delighting in my womb!"
Page 39 「ママ~・・なにしてるの?」 ”Mom, what are you doing?” 「!!!」
Page 40 「いまパパとレスリングしてたの! ちょっ、ちょっとまってね!そこでじっとしてて!」 "I was just wrestling with dad! H,hold on... Stay where you are!"
いつもラブラブ夫婦の鬼島先生です。 It's always the lovebirds, Onijima sensei.
It seems that the summer greeting card has passed. It's the summer vacation of the futanari athletic club. This summer has not been a fun summer due to COVID-19. However, I'm glad if you all had a good time, even if it was just a little bit of fun.
Page 47 人も少なくなった夕暮れの浜辺。 うたた寝している那須野に海原が静かに近づく・・・。 The beach of the evening when the number of people has decreased. Umihara approaches quietly to Nasuno who is dozing....
N "The tip is getting puffy. Don't hold back and cum!" Y "Nnnnn♡Ah♡"
Page 50 N「んへへ~。よーこちゃんいっぱい出したね♡」(ちゅーーーー♡) Y「わっ!の、飲まなくてもいいのに」 N「飲んじゃったも~ん♡よーこちゃんの精子って元気な味がするね」 Y (ど、どんな味なんだ・・・???)
N "Yoko, you put out a lot." Y "Wow! You didn't have to drink it!" N "I've drunk it! Yoko's sperm tastes so healthy." Y (healthy taste.... What does it taste like?)
静かな浜辺でいちゃいちゃする陽子と波美でした! This was Yoko and Nami making out on a quiet beach.