Posted on 24 March 2021, 10:19 by:
Dynellen Base +6, yaque +6, GO_KENTA +15, Cadavrus +6, Tryndamere95 +13, elefat224 +7, sgc_geh +9, anony2112 +6, IncognitoMaud +6, +6, Kazuki Hoshino +9, 5pect1er +6, racevel -10, and 4 more...
Base +8, wapfel +6, yaque +6, Tryndamere95 +13, serveral +8, Kazuki Hoshino +9, elefat224 +7, MLP-TOMBSTONE +8, sgc_geh +9, IncognitoMaud +6, starburst98 +6, TCJJ +6, 5pect1er +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 27 March 2021, 07:42 by:
l337t3r Score
Base +8, MLP-TOMBSTONE +8, sgc_geh +9, that_guy212 +6, Brego1 +6, IncognitoMaud +6, bondmata +8, 5pect1er +6, 4353453 +6, Nausea +7, kiritogamer24 +6, hereforpandaonly +6
Base +6, hereforpandaonly +6, damnspams +7, laygon +6
Base +11, Leonidas23 +7, Nausea +7, Krazylec +6, MadMilkPT +8, hereforpandaonly +6
Posted on 29 July 2021, 19:50 by:
Nyxtani Score
Base +6, Leonidas23 +7, racevel -10, RobeAndWizardHat +6, Krazylec +6, hereforpandaonly +6