Images scraped from Glacierclear's twitter from January 1st 2019 to March 24th 2021. I have decided to exclude images that aren't glacier's art or are very quick shitpost/meme sketches, however you can find a list of the tweets I excluded here (minus any tweets with their face/personal stuff like that):
Format of the filenames is like so: epochtimestamp_tweetid_likecount_retweetcount_twimgfilename.png/jpg where "epochtimestamp" is the approximate time the tweet was made represented in epoch time, tweetid is the id of the tweet (for example 1374621804241817607 ->, likecount is the number of likes, retweetcount is the number of retweets, and twimgfilename is the filename from the link (for example ExOjPNnW8AMiABz.jpg ->