Base +8, AuthlimOfXvim +6, The14thNoah +11, IronBridge +7, SomeDude44632 +5, Emote +6, Deathglass -13, DerpiusDerp +7, Porokichin66 +9, the dru one +7, Azriel_Satan +6, rescates123 +6, repeatedmeme +10, and 2 more...
Base +6, darkwing42 +40, CrossRook +7, Raorao +9, archery101 +6, NaixTheLS +6, IronBridge +7, SomeDude44632 +5, breanyman +6, RobeAndWizardHat +6, Gabs999 +6, Ass Spanker +23, Mr.Awesomeness +6, and 49 more...
Base +6, darkwing42 +40, The14thNoah +11, NaixTheLS +6, IronBridge +7, breanyman +6, Gabs999 +6, sgc_geh +9, okmonger +6, theokayman +6, Rose Garden +10, Themonta +8, darkscizor +6, and 46 more...
Base +7, Azura Meta +6, SomeDude44632 +5, LightSolas +2, Sydorovich +5, allenwalker39 +6, the dru one +7, 6dec3fb8 +6, Saa-Chikou +10, zarazza +6, Metaphrastes +7
Base +32, Azura Meta +6, NaixTheLS +6, IronBridge +7, breanyman +6, Gabs999 +6, okmonger +6, LightSolas +2, Rose Garden +10, starburst98 +6, Emote +6, arnauf +8, qwerty5715 +6, and 26 more...
Posted on 31 March 2021, 18:33 by:
inerg Score
Base +6, darienkd -9, Whorny -8, Scarlet99 -6, allenwalker39 +6, Goretanton -6, tasmira +6, Deathglass -13, sirlachdanan -30, thowok +6, watheverIthink -6, Waitugreat -30, Spooky Ghost Butts -7, and 1 more...
Posted on 31 March 2021, 20:38 by:
rach Score
Base +9, sgc_geh +9, uck39 -9, genl +20, gweh -28, loppy109 -6, yukaras -6, Temperature Critical -26, mentosftw -6, Sgt Hammer -6, Ice_cream1 -5, Grubus +6, watheverIthink -6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Ksintai +6, Rose Garden +10, starburst98 +6, Themonta +8, darkscizor +6, olegv11 +6, LightSolas +2, mickl3 +6, Myouren +7, Emote +6, qwerty5715 +6, Sydorovich +5, and 38 more...
Posted on 01 April 2021, 01:07 by:
NSFWtemp Score
Base +5, allenwalker39 +6, Goretanton +6, Zoinks +6, zarazza +6
Posted on 01 April 2021, 04:16 by:
johj333 Score
Base +6, LightSolas +2, StormofGreed +6, Naughtynaughty +6, allenwalker39 +6, Goretanton +6, Deathglass +13, the dru one +7, Iexist +17, 6dec3fb8 +6, +6, Zoinks +6, Saa-Chikou +10, and 8 more...
Posted on 03 April 2021, 01:39 by:
朔月温德 Score
Base +5
Posted on 22 June 2021, 16:35 by:
casurin Score
Base +7, allenwalker39 +6, Azura Meta +6
Base +6, Azura Meta +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, xLucia~ +7