So... are these all just incomplete because the artist got bored and moved on, or are there parts not uploaded? Plumbeo in particular is a TG artist which is underrepresented on here, I’d love to see more uploads.
Base +8, Zoinks +6, Ecrofa +6, churnip +6, random_man +10
I was on his patreon for a bit. He basically adds pages as he goes. Its really confusing because it'll show up as him not having anything new, but the email notification will be "One new page added to 'yadayada'" and you scroll down to find it. So he edits old posts with new images a lot.
Still, there are plenty that never get added to and may just be a sort of 'contextless' one off. Even some of his completed work just starts in the middle and never explains what happened by the end. I think some of them are just 'writing prompts' given a short form really.