Base +5, 聖水大好き -6, lys1994 -6, kwajalien -13, Galham -7, stanasdf -10, scf123 +7, isa0709 -7, chillchillchill -7, Hrunting -6, aikawa_jun -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, mahoraking13 -13, and 1 more...
Base +3, nowittycomment +14, Dr.Pavel -6, torill +7, hawkeye2124 +6
Base +6, scf123 +7, the G. -8, sorpfenvier -6
Base +2, nowittycomment +14, gradius +6, 58569 +11, your_name +6, hawkeye2124 +6
Posted on 04 April 2021, 19:06 by:
csv2681 Score
Base +17, Dr.Pavel +6
Posted on 09 April 2021, 17:08 by:
lololo16 Score
Base +25, Dr.Pavel +6, Chapell +6, gradius -6, Beta Faggot -6