Posted on 09 April 2021, 04:12 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +34, as102 +11, PinguPrin +7, Lokarash +8, SeptimustheSeventh +3, csavarhuzo +6, your_name +6, Angel_Saku +13, bunnygunny +16, 44inf +6, xLucia~ +7, Hot N Sticky 4 U +6, NoOneIsRecognizeMe +12, and 1 more...
Base +6, PinguPrin +7, csavarhuzo +6, thewinningdummy -6
Base +7, 44inf +6, red death68 +6, as102 +11
Base +6, Legylen +6, Forgunia +7, goni09 +7, 44inf +6
Posted on 09 April 2021, 09:58 by:
Hawk86 Score
Base +6, freespace2 +7, zam005 +8, NeerHeer +6, wertweet +11, Gumak +16, Equilibrant +7, cipher13 +7, Maeriden +8, goni09 +7, your_name +6, Nobody_Know +7, bunnygunny +16, and 15 more...
Base +7, goni09 +7, Syerathe +13, 44inf +6, red death68 +6, quack_duck +8
Base +6, B4k3m0n0 +11, wertweet +11, Gumak +16, cipher13 +7, Maeriden +8, goni09 +7, your_name +6, bunnygunny +16, 44inf +6, quack_duck +8, as102 +11, LokiFox +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 20 April 2021, 15:31 by:
Nicosai Score
Base +18, quack_duck +8, GearZeroSky +20